Using the sharpie, write your name, course, and period # on the front.
Label the first page table of contents Label the first page table of contents. The front and back of the first page should look like this
Inside cover of your notebook write down this website. This is my website. It contains all assignments, classwork, power points, handouts, videos, and homework. Basically everything you need for class.
Turn to the last page in your notebook Turn to the last page in your notebook! Label at the top Week 1 and the dates for this week. 1/8/2018 - 1/12/2018
Each day you will look up a science word and write down the definition. This will be your bell work for the semester.
Bell work – 3 minutes Pick a science word and write the definition for today. Chapter 8: From DNA to Proteins Check your calendar and write down everything for today in your planner
Now we are ready to start taking notes! On the page after your table of contents put today’s date 1/8/2018 Title: Interactive Science Ntbk (ISN) Bottom right hand corner number page 1 Every time you take notes you should have a date and title
The LEFT SIDE belongs to you. Let your CREATIVITY go wild! LEFT SIDE= OUTPUT The LEFT SIDE belongs to you. Let your CREATIVITY go wild! The LEFT side loves color. This little notepad means you need to take notes.
LEFT SIDE reinforcement and processing for the RIGHT or INPUT (LEARNING) side.
Some Examples of Left Side Assignments Diagrams/Visual Illustrations Cartoons/Comics Venn diagram Maps Pictures or drawings Journal entries Nightly reflection Foldables Charts & graphs Pick 3
Right side of Notebook=input Notes Even though this is a boring side with no color it is still a very important part! There would be no fun creative side if there was no input.
Page 2 left side (LS) Set up your graph for pre and post test. You must write a pre and post reflection after you take the test. Page 2 right side (RS) Tape the learning target worksheet