Tuesday, July 29th Day 1 AR Book 1. Please have these Items on your desk. Agenda Science Starters Sheet Composition notebooks Index cards
Wonder what this word means? Your science starter today is two vocabulary words and their definition Hmmmm. . . Wonder what this word means? Number your science starter sheet like this: 1. 2. You will be writing the word and definition on your starter page and on an index card.
Definitions Scientific Method- Step-by-step procedures of scientific problem solving, which can include identifying the problem, forming and testing a hypothesis, analyzing the test results, and drawing conclusions. On an index card, write the word on one side. The definition on the other side of the card. Draw a simple picture to explain the definition.
Procedure: The step-by-step instructions for conducting an investigation; includes what and how variables will be changed and measured; includes repeated trials Write the word on one side of an index card. Write the definition and a simple picture about the word on the back side of the index card.
To do list . . . . . Setting up our notebooks. Setting up our vocabulary index cards.
Interactive Notebooks On both of the front covers of your composition notebooks write : Name Science Room 809 Period ? One of the notebooks will go in the specified drawer in the back of our classroom
Front Cover First and Last Name Science Room 809 Period _____
“Inside Scoop” This is attached to the inside cover of your notebook.
Interactive Notebook Numbering the pages: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Inside Cover Inside scoop goes here 1
Interactive Notebook Numbering the pages: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3 2 Left-hand pages are even-numbers Right-hand pages are odd-numbers
Table of Contents Pages: Set up pages 1-3 as directed by Mrs. Goodman. These pages will include columns for the page #, date, and Assignments/Activities. Use a ruler. Be neat!
Table of Contents Page Date Activity/ Assignment Set up pages 1, 2 & 3
Add this information to page 1 Table of Contents Page Date Activity/ Assignment 4-5 7/23 Classroom Guidelines 7 7/25 Lab Expectations
Get out your copy of the “Classroom Guidelines- part 1 and part 2”. Attach part one to page 4 Attach part two to page 5
Cutting and Pasting: Carefully trim ALL sheets first… then glue them to the correct pages. Don’t use too much glue. You may tape pages in if you have your own tape.
You can put your bathroom passes in the envelope, if you want to. Envelopes Attach the envelope to the INSIDE back cover. Lightly glue it, then staple it once along the bottom and twice along the outside edge. You can put your bathroom passes in the envelope, if you want to.
Index Cards Punch a hole in the corner of each card Insert the ring through each index card, then firmly close the ring shut