NOVEMBER 13, 2017 OBJECTIVE – Students will explore “What is biodiversity?” WARM-UP - In your composition notebook, create a title page: Unit 2: Biodiversity. Below the title, write down your personal definition of biodiversity (don’t look it up). HOMEWORK- Complete State of the Bay Questions, Video Questions and Unit 2 Biodiversity (Module) – due 11/14 (Weebly, Unit 2) Agenda: 1) Read the article: “State of the Bay” and answer questions 2) TedED Video on Biodiversity with questions 3) Introducing Biodiversity by AMNH
What do you see when you look at the report card?
What do you think when you look at the report card?
What do you wonder when you look at the report card?
Agenda continued: -Regroup and share information Agenda continued: -Regroup and share information. -Glue “See, Think, Wonder” paper in your notebook. -Again in your notebook answer the following questions. a) What concerns you most about this report card? b) What are some of the positive aspects of the report card? c) What could we do to improve the overall score?