November 18 March 2009 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Multi-Rate PHY Proposal for the TG4g PHY Amendment Date Submitted: March 2009 Source: Michael Schmidt, Dietmar Eggert, Frank Poegel, Torsten Bacher, Sascha Beyer, Atmel Contact: Michael Schmidt, Atmel Voice: +49 351 6523-436 , E-Mail: Re: TG4g Call for proposals Abstract: PHY enhancements towards TG4g supporting multiple data rates Purpose: PHY proposal for the TG4g PHY amendment Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Slide 1 Michael Schmidt Page 1
Overview Flexible but simple binary block coding GMSK modulation November 18 March 2009 Overview Flexible but simple binary block coding GMSK modulation Chip Rate SHR/PHR structure Frequency Hopping Extension of the European Frequency Band Slide 2 Michael Schmidt Page 2
March 2009 Coding and Modulation Slide 3 Michael Schmidt
Binary Block Coding Simple C(K=4,N) binary block coding March 2009 Binary Block Coding Simple C(K=4,N) binary block coding Binary coefficients (chips) Considerably simplifies TX and RX architecture Small number of code words (2K = 16) Allows simple ML-soft decision decoding Flexible code length N to adjust the data rate Slide 4 Michael Schmidt
March 2009 Binary Block Coding Adjust data rate by code length N out of {4,8,16,32,64,128} High Data Rate: N = 4,8 short range Medium Data Rate: N = 16,32 (like DSSS for IEEE 802.15.4 O-QPSK PHYs) medium range Low Data Rate: N = 64,128 long range, higher multipath robustness Improved SHR and PHR detection Slide 5 Michael Schmidt
March 2009 Binary Block Coding Within PSDU, more advanced but more complex coding is conceivable, since large PSDU lengths are desired. C(k,N) block coding with K > 4 obtaining a relevant coding gain Low rate coding within SHR and PHR Slide 6 Michael Schmidt
Binary GMSK Modulation March 2009 Binary GMSK Modulation Improved spectral efficiency versus O-QPSK (with half-sine shaping) Constant envelope modulation Similar performance as O-QPSK Simple differential demodulation for BT approx. 0.5 (no Trellis-based detection required) GMSK is detectable for IEEE 802.15.4 legacy devices using O-QPSK with appropriate coding Slide 7 Michael Schmidt
Chip Rate March 2009 2 MHz IEEE 802.15.4-2006 @ 2.4 GHz ISM No need for frequency hopping for 1 W TX power (FCC CFR 47) 1 MHz IEEE 802.15.4-2006 @ 902-928 MHz < 0.5 MHz Need for frequency hopping for 1 W TX power (FCC CFR 47) >= 75 hopping channels @ 2.4 GHz ISM >= 50 hopping channels @ 902-928 MHz Slide 8 Michael Schmidt
SHR + PHR Problem with IEEE 802.15.4-2006 O-QPSK PHYs: March 2009 SHR + PHR Problem with IEEE 802.15.4-2006 O-QPSK PHYs: Relative short duration of SHR and PHR, hard for: antenna diversity, channel estimation PHR is not sufficiently protected More preamble bytes or low rate transmission, e.g. C(4,128)- coding Slide 9 Michael Schmidt
Frequency Hopping (FH) March 2009 Frequency Hopping (FH) Increased robustness against interferer GMSK modulation applied in the 2.4 GHz ISM band allows tighter channel spacing than 5 MHz However, FH addresses many issues to be solved: FH Synchronisation (e.g. FHS packet information) Clock frequency accuracy Hopping sequences Power efficiency Slide 10 Michael Schmidt
Extension of European Frequency Band (863 – 870 MHz) March 2009 Extension of European Frequency Band (863 – 870 MHz) Harmonized standard ETSI EN 300 220 defines frequency band of 863 – 870 MHz with different power limits for digital modulation systems using DSSS Duty cycle limitations do not apply to systems using Listen Before Talk techniques combined with Adaptive Frequency Agility (AFA) Slide 11 Michael Schmidt
DSSS Proposal March 2009 channels with RF bandwidth of 0.6 MHz 863.5 MHz, 864.1 MHz, 864.7 MHz with reduced power of -4.5 dBm/100 kHz 865.3 MHz, 865.9 MHz, 866.5 MHz, 867.1 MHz with increased output power of 6.2 dBm/100 kHz 868.3 MHz IEEE 802.15.4 legacy channel 868.9MHz and 869.5 MHz using -0.8 dBm/100 kHz output power channels with RF bandwidth up to 1.4 MHz 864.1 MHz with reduced power of -4.5 dBm/100 kHz 865.8 MHz and 867.2 MHz with increased output power of 6.2 dBm/100 kHz 868.3 MHz IEEE legacy channel 869.3MHz using -0.8 dBm/100 kHz output power Michael Schmidt
March 2009 FHSS Listen Before Talk (LBT) has to be applied at each hopping channel. Carrier power is limited to 25 mWerp Michael Schmidt
Other European Frequency Bands (To Do) March 2009 Other European Frequency Bands (To Do) Consider improved usage of the 2.4 GHz band (ETSI EN 300 328) Consider usage of the 433 MHz band Michael Schmidt