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 The-Vietnam-War

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Presentation transcript:


John F. Kennedy New Frontier – Kennedy’s program to use the federal government to solve America’s problems The Space Race Pledged to put a man on the moon

Rights for the Disabled Started the Special Olympics Rights for Women Equal Pay Act of 1963

Lyndon B. Johnson The “War on Poverty” Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 Jobs Corp VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) – to help poor areas

“Great Society” – social reform legislation Medicare and Medicaid Medicare – hospital insurance Medicaid – health benefits to low incomes, children, pregnant women, elderly, and disabled

Federal Aid to Education Project Head Start Aid to Cities Housing and Urban Development Act Immigration Act of 1965 Ended discriminatory “national origins” system

The Warren Court Social change key in Supreme Court headed by Earl Warren. Judicial activism – critics opposed this saying social issues should be left to Congress

Freedom of Speech Yates v. United States – Communists have right to free speech.

Freedom of Speech Tinker v. Des Moines – students have freedom of speech as long as it doesn’t disrupt classroom instruction.

Equal Representation Baker v. Carr – reorganized state legislatures on principle of “one man, one vote.”

Freedom of Religion Engle v. Vitale – outlawed school prayer in public schools.

Rights of Accused Persons Gideon v. Wainwright – lawyer if you can’t afford one Miranda v. Arizona – “Miranda” rights. Right to remain silent, to an attorney.

Vietnam War Vietnam, a former French colony, was divided into two sections in 1954 by the Geneva Accords.

South Vietnam, led by Ngo Dinh Diem, was democratic and backed by the U.S. North Vietnam, led by Ho Chi Minh, was communist and backed by the Soviet Union.

Growing American Involvement Domino Theory - U.S. believed that if South Vietnam fell to the communists, the rest of the nations in Southeast Asia would as well.

Gulf of Tonkin August 1964 U.S. military officials believed that the North Vietnamese torpedoed an American ship. U.S. passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - allowed the U.S. to begin attacking Vietnam.

COmbat Napalm – gasoline mixed with a gel that sticks to skin as it burns Agent orange – destroyed vegetation Vietcong - a communist guerilla group supported by North Vietnam.

My Lai American destruction of the village of My Lai.

The Tet Offensive In January of 1968, the Vietcong launched surprise attacks on cities throughout South Vietnam. Turning point of the war

Nixon and the war “Vietnamization” – South Vietnamese taking over the fighting Draft ended American troops return home

Dr. Henry Kissinger negotiated Paris Peace Accords January 1973 Dr. Henry Kissinger negotiated April 1975, North Vietnam took Saigon – ending the war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og6bi3cgf5g&t=76s

Home front Doves and Hawks Doves – people who wanted peace Hawks – war supporters

Anti-war movement May 4, 1970, the Ohio National Guard killed 4 anti-war protesters at Kent State University.

Consequences of the War 58,000 Americans killed War extended into Cambodia Khmer Rouge – murder of 2-4 million Cambodians War Powers Act – limit president’s power to send troops overseas

WOmen Women’s Liberation Movement Focused on economic and social equality The Feminine Mystique – Betty Friedan. Challenged belief women just wanted to be housewives and mothers National Organization of Women (NOW)

Goals Education Equal Opportunity in Education Act (Title IX) – no sexual discrimination in educational facilities. Employment

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Guarantees women the same rights as men Opposed by women who preferred traditional roles Phyllis Schlafly Did not pass

Abortion Roe v. Wade Made abortions for the first three months of pregnancy legal. SC ruled women had a constitutional right to privacy.