Scene: You see your friend crying after work. Goal: Comfort your friend.
Scene: Your friend accidentally says something mean about what you are wearing. Goal: Express your feelings.
Scene: You are ordering pizza over the phone. Goal: Order your favorite kind for delivery.
Scene: You and your friend want to do different things today. Goal: Find an option that works for both of you.
Scene: You need to ask your boss for a day off of work. Goal: Express your needs in a professional manner.
Scene: A friend invites you to lunch, but you don’t want to go. Goal: Politely decline the invitation
Scene: You’re in a country where no one speaks English. Goal: Find a way to ask someone how to get to the train station.
Scene: You are in an elevator with a coworker. Goal: Start a conversation
Scene: There is a new person at work Scene: There is a new person at work. Show them how to do something that you can do well. Goal: Help someone new.
Scene: You are making dinner plans with a friend. Goal: Make plans about where and when to eat.
Scene: You and a coworker disagree about how to do a job. Goal: Work to find a compromise.
Scene: A coworker wants you to file something, even though it’s not your job. Goal: Politely decline her request.
Scene: Your boss gives you a job that you don’t know how to do. Goal: Ask for help.
Scene: Your noisy neighbor is keeping you awake at night. Goal: Find a way to resolve the conflict.
Scene: You are a news reporter interviewing the president of the United States. Goal: Ask him interesting questions.
Scene: You are a famous movie star answering questions from a fan. Goal: Answer your partner’s questions