Effective Evaluations Julie Dall
Topics After the Meeting Presenting the Evaluation After the Speech Purpose of evaluations? Before the meeting Before the speech During the Speech After the Speech Presenting the Evaluation After the Meeting
Purpose of Evaluations Encouragement Recommendation Improvement
Before the meeting Pathways Read Evaluation Form Get speaker’s record form Traditional Read objectives Read evaluation questions
DON’T READ OUT SPEECH TITLE Before the speech Pathways Path, Level and Project Read Purpose Statement Add additional information, if necessary Traditional Manual and Speech Number Read objectives Both Confirm timing for Timer DON’T READ OUT SPEECH TITLE
During the Speech Take Notes Think Observe Listen
Being clear and easily understood. Choice of words Speed of speech Projecting voice Present ideas simply Repeat main point
Uses tone, speed and volume as a tool. Varies tone – not monotone Varies speed of speaking Varies volume as appropriate Choose words that inspire passion Pause for emphasis
Uses eye contact to engage audience. Looks at individuals in audience Meets their eyes for short periods of time Ensures whole room is covered
Uses body language to enhance speech. Stance – relaxed, hands by side Uses hands and arms for significant points Moves with meaning Uses the stage Varies stance and position to emphases points
Demonstrates awareness of audience engagement and needs. Speech is relevant for audience Observes and modifies speech to audience’s reaction Uses humour to engage audience Uses strong introduction to get attention
Appears comfortable with the audience
Engages audience with well constructed speech. Speech has a point Point is clear and concise Introduction, expounding of main points and conclusion Conclusion sums up speech
After the Speech Consolidate notes 1 -2 things could do better 2 – 3 things they did well 1 -2 things could do better How could they excel? Link up comments with objectives
Presenting the Evaluation Speech Beginning Middle End
Beginning 30sec – 1 min Thank Speaker Encourage 2 – 3 Good Points
Middle 1 – 2 mins 1 – 2 Improve Use “I” Be Specific
End 30sec -1 min Encourage Excel? Summarise
After the meeting Ask for Feedback Give back paperwork Pathways - fill in record sheet put away Fill in Evaluation Form / Manual