Table of Contents 1- Table of Contents 2- Table of Contents 3- Table of Contents 4- Table of Contents 5- Notes of your final essay, Notes of 2 other essay(1/30) 6- ½ page Summary of 2 other essays (1/31) 7- Cornell notes: reading 287-295 (1/31) 8- Cornell notes: reading 287-295 (1/31) (might need 2 pages) 9- ¾ page summary of reading 287-295 (1/31) 10- Cornell notes / DNA diagram (2/2) 11- Cornell notes for pages 295-299 (2/3) 12- Answer questions p.299 #1-6 (2/3) 13- Video notes and reflection (Protein Synthesis) (2/6) 14- Cornell notes reading notes p.300-306 (2/6) 15- ¾ page summary of reading 300-306 (2/6) 16- Activity: Translation to Proteins notes/activity (2/7) 17- p.306 #1-5 (2/8) 18- Cornell notes for page 309-312 EQ:” How are genes regulated?” 19- Write a ½ page summary of the reading (pp.309-312) using information from notes. 20- p. 312 #1-5
2/9/17 Item 18: Read pages 309-312 in their text book and write Cornell reading notes about the reading. See previous guidelines (physical science). EQ:” How are genes regulated?” Item 19: Write a ½ page summary of the reading (pp.309-312) using information from notes. Item 20: p. 312 #1-5
2/8 Essential Question: Is your notebook up to date? You should have this done: Items #1-17 ______________________________________________________________________ Today we are doing: (To complete during class) Notebook check Finish any incomplete work from items #1-17 _______________________________________________________________________ Tasks to do during individual work time and after class: Item 18: Read pages 307-308 make CORNELL Notes EQ: How do mutations affect organisms? (include positive and negative examples) Item 19: Answer questions #1-5 on page 308
2/7 EQ: How is DNA in prokaryotic cells different from DNA in eukaryotic cells? You should have this done: Item 14: Cornell Reading notes over section 12.3 pages 300-306 Item 15: Write a ¾ page summary reflection of the topics in the section that includes the MOST IMPORTANT information (Hint: it should be from the information found in your CORNELL NOTES!) ______________________________________________________________________ Today we are doing: (To complete during class) Item 16: Activity: Translation to Proteins notes/activity _______________________________________________________________________ Tasks to do during individual work time and after class: Item 17: p.306 #1-5 (due into notebook for tomorrow)
2/6 EQ: How is DNA in prokaryotic cells different from DNA in eukaryotic cells? You should have this done: (from Friday) Item11: Read pages 295-299 take CORNELL NOTES Item 12: p.299 #1-6 ______________________________________________________________________ Today we are doing: (To complete during class) Item 13: Activity: Video Notes/ diagrams/ reflection protein synthesis and RNA. _______________________________________________________________________ Tasks to do during individual work time and after class: Item 14: Cornell Reading notes over section 12.3 pages 300-306 Make CORNELL NOTES about reading. Hints: For each subsection, write the most important information Bold terms/sentences should included in your notes “Key concepts” should be included Draw at least one relevant sketch/diagram for each subsection (blue headings). Left column: Pose 1 question and answer it for each subsection (blue headings). You can underline the answer that is in your notes) Include any other ideas/concepts that are important. Item 15: Write a ¾ page summary reflection of the topics in the section that includes the MOST IMPORTANT information (Hint: it should be from the information found in your CORNELL NOTES!)
Tasks to do during individual work time and after class: 2/3 Tasks to do during individual work time and after class: Page 11: Read pages 295-299 take CORNELL NOTES Page 12: p.299 #1-6 Organize your notebook. Note book check.
______________________________________________________________________ 2/2 EQ: What are the structural features (components and shapes) and functions of DNA? You should have this done: (PAGE 7-8) Read pages 287-295 Make CORNELL NOTES about reading. Hints: For each subsection, write the most important information Bold terms/sentences should included in your notes “Key concepts” should be included Draw at least one relevant sketch/diagram for each subsection (blue headings). Left column: Pose 1 question and answer it for each subsection (blue headings). You can underline the answer that is in your notes) Include any other ideas/concepts that are important. PAGE 9: Write a ¾ page summary reflection of the topics in the section that includes the MOST IMPORTANT information (Hint: it should be from the information found in your CORNELL NOTES!) ______________________________________________________________________ Today we are doing: (To complete during class) PAGE 10: -Discussion/Notes/ Group activities related to 12.2 EQ: What are the structures and functions of DNA? -notes/discussion -diagram of DNA structure (label molecules that make up DNA) _______________________________________________________________________ Tasks to do during individual work time and after class: Page 11: Read pages 295-299 take CORNELL NOTES Page 12: p.299 #1-6
DNA Diagram (with notes on Page 10 in notebook) Directions: (see pages 291-294 of text for info) Draw a segment of DNA Label the diagram below with the following: Nucleotide Deoxyribose Phosphate group Hydrogen bonds Nitrogenous bases (A,T,C,G) Show which bases bond together
1/31 Tasks for today: Finishing activity from 1/30 (due today) (pages 5 and 6 of notebook) Then… Cornell notes over reading from text (pages 7-9 in notebook) (due tomorrow)
1/31 (PAGE 7-8) Read pages 287-295 Make CORNELL NOTES about reading. Hints: For each subsection, write the most important information Bold terms/sentences should included in your notes “Key concepts” should be included Draw at least one relevant sketch/diagram for each subsection (blue headings). Left column: Pose 1 question and answer it for each subsection (blue headings). You can underline the answer that is in your notes) Include any other ideas/concepts that are important. PAGE 9: Write a ¾ page summary reflection of the topics in the section that includes the MOST IMPORTANT information (Hint: it should be from the information found in your CORNELL NOTES!)
1/31/17 Activity guidelines (PAGE 5) Phase 1: Read your essay, write some notes on your essay Right column in Cornell notes format: Notes about your essay Left Column in Cornell notes format: 2 “quiz questions” (PAGE 5) Phase 2: Presentations -Present your summary to a small group -Listen to presentations of group members. -take notes on presentations (right column) -pose 1 question about each presentation (left column) -answer the question (PAGE 6) Phase 3: Write a ½ page reflection about the presentations that you heard. Include discussion of the questions and answers from the presentation.
January 30th Warm up: No warm up question today. Activities: -Review of Cornell Notes -Introduction to the interactive notebook. - Final essay sharing (small groups) -Reflection writing of sharing activity
1/30/17 Activity guidelines Phase 1: Read your essay, write some notes on your essay Right column in Cornell notes format: Notes about your essay Left Column in Cornell notes format: 2 “quiz questions” Phase 2: Presentations -Present your summary to a small group -Listen to presentations of group members. -take notes on presentations (right column) -pose 1 question about each presentation (left column) -answer the question Phase 3: Write a ½ page reflection about the presentations that you heard. Include discussion of the questions and answers from the presentation.