8/7/17- Copy ALL notes. A proper noun names a particular person, place, or thing. Capitalize proper nouns and the initials that stand for their names. (ex. Joe, Indianapolis, etc.) Capitalize a title or an abbreviation of a title when it comes before a person’s name or when it is used in direct address. (ex. Captain Kirk, Prof. Smith) Capitalize the names and abbreviations of academic degrees that follow a person’s name. (ex. Nancy Jones, BSN) 4. Capitalize Jr. and Sr. Capitalize words that show family relationships only when used as titles or as substitutes for a person’s name. (Grandma Mary, Aunt Elaine, etc.) 6. Always capitalize the pronoun I.
Tuesday, 8/8/17 Copy these sentences onto the same paper as your notes from yesterday. Then correct the capitalization. My Grandma and Grandpa were married in 1956. 2. Sally and i are going to visit our aunt Nancy. 3. Tricia said, “this news is so exciting. I’m going to become a Doctor.”
Tuesday, 8/8/17- Corrected sentences My grandma and grandpa were married in 1956. 2. Sally and I are going to visit our Aunt Nancy. 3. Tricia said, “This news is so exciting. I’m going to become a doctor.”
Wednesday, 8/9/17 Copy these sentences onto the same paper as your notes from yesterday. Then correct the capitalization. I listened to governor McCormick as he stated, “I’m awaiting your orders, captain.” 2. George Johnson, m.d. has always been my family Doctor. 3. I sent a letter to uncle phil proclaiming, “i bought my first home.”
Wednesday, 8/9/17 – Corrected sentences I listened to Governor McCormick as he stated, “I’m awaiting your orders, Captain.” 2. George Johnson, M.D. has always been my family doctor. 3. I sent a letter to Uncle Phil proclaiming, “I bought my first home.”
Thursday, 8/10/17 Copy these sentences onto the same paper as your notes from yesterday. Then correct the capitalization. We visited my Grandmother in the hospital. 2. The woman driving the tank was capt. Jenny monroe. 3. We watched as general Powell told the nation about the War.
Thursday, 8/10/17 – Corrected sentences We visited my grandmother in the hospital. 2. The woman driving the tank was Capt. Jenny Monroe. 3. We watched as General Powell told the nation about the war.