Short-term Outcomes of Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer: Experience of CMUH 廖庭儀 柯道維 蔡元耀 黃郁純 陳奕彰 張伸吉 江驊哲 陳宏彰 廖師賢 王輝明 陳自諒 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 大腸直腸肛門外科
Introduction Whether open or laparoscopic, TME is a difficult surgery.
Introduction Whether open or laparoscopic, TME is a difficult surgery.
Introduction Some consider perform TME from buttom to up.
safety and feasibility Aim safety and feasibility short-term outcomes
Material & Method n=51 Middle or low rectal cancer Jan. 2016 – Jan. 2018 CMU Hospital
Patient Characteristics Data Age, y, mean±SD 63.0±11.4 Male, n(%) 33 (64.71%) BMI, kg/m2, mean±SD 24.3±3.4 ASA score, n(%) II 31 (60.78%) III 20 (39.22%) Neoadjuvant CCRT, n(%) 34 (66.67%) Tumor location Middle rectum, n(%) 26 (50.98%) Low rectum, n(%) 25 (49.02%) By NCCN guideline, T3以上或any N, 做nCCRT
Preoperative TNM stage Data Stage, n(%) 1 (1.96%) I 9 (17.65%) II 5 (9.80%) III 26 (50.98%) IV 6 (11.76%) N/A 4 (7.84%)
Perioperative Outcomes Data Operation time, mins, mean±SD 324.0±104.6 Blood loss, ml, mean±SD 98.0±126.4 Conversion, n(%) 0 (0%) Protective stoma, n(%) 51 (100%) Anastomosis method Hand-sewn, n(%) 28 (54.90%) Staple, n(%) 23 (45.10%) Anastomosis site, cm FAV, mean±SD 2.6±1.0
Operation time, minutes Analysis Operation time, minutes Mean: 324.0
Perioperative Outcomes Data Intraoperative complications, n(%) 3 (1.96%) Left internal iliac artery injury 1 (1.96%) Rectal and vaginal perforation Urethral injury
Histopathological Characteristics Data Tumor size, cm, mean±SD 2.2±1.4 Distal margin, cm, mean±SD 1.8±1.3 Circumferential margin, mm, mean±SD 11.0±9.1 Circumferential resection margin(CRM) positive, n(%) 7 (13.73%) negative, n(%) 41 (80.39%) Total LN numbers, mean±SD 14.9±7.0 aim
Pathological Stage Data With nCCRT n=34 Complete response 8 (23.53%) I 4 (11.76%) II III 10 (29.41%) IV aim
Pathological Stage Data Without nCCRT n=17 1 (5.88%) I 6 (35.29%) II 1 (5.88%) I 6 (35.29%) II 2 (11.76%) III 4 (23.53%) IV N/A 3 (17.65%) aim
Postoperative Outcomes Data Hospital stay, days, mean±SD 6.6±2.7 Removal of Foley, POD, mean±SD 2.1±2.2 Re-catheterization, n(%) 9 (17.65%) Prolonged removal of Foley , n(%) 4 (7.84%) Anastomosis leakage, n(%) 8 (15.69%) Other complications Ileus, n(%) 1 (1.96%) UTI, n(%) 2 (3.92%) Recto-vaginal fistula, n(%)
Analysis Anastomotic leakage
Conclusion TaTME is an alternative approach for middle and low rectal cancer. It is feasible and safe. Complications, ex: urethral injury… TaTME is safe and feasible TaTME is not an easy procedure. Need experienced surgeon to perform. Platform