Organizing Files What is a file? A file is a collection of related pieces of information stored together for easy reference. In an Operating System A file is a collection of program instructions or data stored and treated as a single unit.
How is the hard drive organized? The “C” drive is the top of the file structure. It is usually referred to as the “Root Directory” Windows Explorer can be used to view the files on our system.
Naming Files The format of a file is: The letters following the dot is the file extension. The file extension identifies the type of family of files the file belongs to or which application should be used to read the file.
Extension Application Used .doc or .docx Microsoft Word .xls Microsoft Excel .mdb Microsoft Access .ppt Microsoft Powerpoint .pdf Adobe Reader .txt Text file .htm or .html Web Page .bmp or .jpg or .gif Image .zip Winzip
File Path C:/My Documents/Spring 2009/English Comp/Ebronte.jpg Drive location Extension Filename Primary Folder Subfolders