SYNTHESIS What does the fox say?
Avoid “Nothing” Statements!!! *Euthanasia is a very controversial topic. *A lot of people have opinions about euthanasia. Avoid “Nothing” Statements!!!
You need REASONS to support your position You need REASONS to support your position. Repetition won’t replace reasons! What does Michael J. Fox say? Euthanasia kills. Euthanasia causes death. Euthanasia stops a beating heart. Euthanasia prevents someone from breathing. After euthanasia, a person is dead.
Using more words doesn’t make you look more informed Using more words doesn’t make you look more informed. It doesn’t fool anyone. It’s completely unnecessary and not needed to say things with superfluity that could easily and without difficulty be said with fewer words and more succinctness.
A quote does not a point make. Don’t arbitrarily use quotes just to fulfill the 3 source minimum. You need commentary to tie the quote or reference to your thesis statement. A quote does not a point make.
Transitions are your best friend. Ideas need to flow smoothly. NOT Euthanasia, as implied in its definition, is merciful. Doctors should be required to give tests to assess a patient’s psychological state. Transitions are your best friend.
Epiphany: Everything you read isn’t true. What does Megan Fox say? Some sources are more credible than others; you must evaluate them. Also, just because a source says something, don’t automatically reference it like it’s infallible truth.
Don’t say what you’re going to say, what you’re saying, and what you’ve said. Why? It’s annoying. I am going to tell you my name. I’m Rhonda Bryant. I just told you my name.
You should formulate a plan of attack prior to reading the sources so you have some original ideas. Remember that sources should supplement NOT dominate your writing. Who’s to say that insurance companies won’t pressure doctors to euthanize patients to curb costs? Do we really want to put that kind of power in the hands of insurance companies?
Don’t say, “Source A says” or “According to Source B.” Avoid unsophisticated use of sources. Don’t say, “Source A says” or “According to Source B.”