Economic Impact Potential of Recycling in Ohio Joseph Klatt 614-705-1147
Contents 1 2 3 4 5 Background Our Criteria Proposal Project Timeline Questions/Comments 1 2 3 4 5
Background –2004 Waste Characterization
Background – Ohio Revised Code 3736.02 Statewide source reduction, recycling, recycling market development and litter prevention programs : A.(1) The assessment of waste generation within the state and implementation of source reduction practices;
Background – Director Butler Research & Discussions with Stakeholders
Recycling in MI: Case Study Landfill Characterization: 27 Studies Accuracy & Thoroughness Data Conducted Relevance Materials Diversion Rate Per Capita Generation of MSW Economic Impact of Recycling At Present Potentially Recoverable
Would this study meet our criteria?
Our Criteria Guide Statewide Market Development Activities Provide a means for educating citizens/industry about materials entering the landfills in Ohio Provide data for materials management planning at the state, regional, and local level
What would a similar study look like for Ohio?
Economic Impact Potential of Recycling in Ohio High Impact, Low Cost Evaluation Highlights opportunities to strengthen Ohio’s economy and supports materials management planning at the state and regional level Sections Desktop Waste Characterization Economic and Job Creation Potential Analysis Recommendations for target materials for market development activities Cost ≈$25,000 – $50,000
Economic Impact Potential of Recycling in Ohio Benefits Education R&LP Grants Direction Economic Development Materials Mgmt. Advisory Council & State Plan Data for SWMD Economic Impact Potential of Recycling in Ohio
Timeline Sept. Nov. Jan. Mar. Apr. Jun. July. Aug. Oct. Internal Stakeholder Discussions Stakeholder Outreach Create RFP Begin RFP Period Review Proposals Commence Project Receive Report and Market Results