The scientific study of disease Pathology The scientific study of disease
Important Terms Associated with Pathology Diagnosis: identification of the disease Signs: objective abnormalities that can be see or measured by a physician Abnormal heart sounds Symptoms: subjective abnormalities felt by the patient Pain
Acute: signs and symptoms appear quickly and disappear after a short period of time Chronic: diseases that develop slowly and last for a long period of time
Syndrome: collection of different signs and symptoms that present a clear picture of a pathological condition
Etiology: study of cause/causative agent of disease Idiopathic: diseases with undetermined causes Communicable: diseases that can be transmitted from person to another
Epidemiology: study of the occurrence, distribution, and transmission of diseases in humans
Endemic: disease found in a certain geographic region or in a specific race of people Ex. Cholera outbreak in Asia Ex. Malaria is endemic to parts of Africa because it's hot and skeeters love it.
Epidemic: a disease that spreads to an atypically large number of individuals in a certain population, community, or region at the same time The disease eventually subsides Ex. Measles outbreak in California
Pandemic: epidemics that affect entire continents or world wide (global) Ex. HIV/AIDS
Pathophysiology: the organized study of the underlying physiological processes associated with disease What occurs inside a cell over time (we will look at tissue samples to see this)