Unit 2: Beginnings of Civilization Bell Work: Archeology What does an archeologist do? What kinds of tools do they use? Label it “Archeology.”
Unit 2: Beginnings of Civilization Bell Work: Early Man How is early man represented in books, commercials, and other media? What kinds of things do they do? Are these representations accurate? Label it “Early Man.”
Unit 2: Beginnings of Civilization Bell Work: My Cave Art During the Stone Age, prehistoric men used rock art to represent their daily lives and how they lived. Create a picture in caveman rock art style that represents your daily life. Label it “My Cave Art.”
Unit 2: Beginnings of Civilization Bell Work: A Remarkable Discovery Read “A Remarkable Discovery” on p. 18 of the World History book. Answer the questions. Label it “A Remarkable Discovery.” What are the names of this husband and wife team? Who actually made this discovery? Why wasn’t his/her spouse there? What was found? Why do discoveries such as this matter?
Unit 2: Beginnings of Civilization Bell Work: Civilization Which characteristics of civilizations list below do you predict were most beneficial in helping the first civilizations grow and endure? Label it “Civilization.” Developed cities Organized government Formalized religion Division of labor Social classes Record keeping and writing Art and architecture
Unit 2: Beginnings of Civilization Bell Work: Technology What technologies have been developed since you were born. What technologies do you think might be invented before you die. Do you think it will be important for you to adapt to the new technologies. Why or why not? Write a paragraph and label it “Technology.”
Unit 2: Beginnings of Civilization Bell Work: Label it “.”