Letter People This month we will meet the following letter people: Mr B, Ms K, Mr D, and Ms F. We will learn about the importance of sharing and being kind. We will also talk about families and how we are all different. We hope you are enjoying the letter people materials we are sending home each week. Please be sure to continue to review the letters that we have talked about since school started: M N P H W and A November Birthdays Caden B. Jalen D. Malachi M. Upcoming Events: I am Thankful- Nov___ School Readiness Following our Thanksgiving meal, there will be a short training/meeting to discuss how to help get your child school-ready. Each child will receive a school readiness backpack with materials you can use with your child. It is time to send in cool weather clothing for the students' changes of clothes. Parent-Teacher conferences: Please schedule ASAP. Math Subitizing is the ability to look at a set of objects, dots, etc and instantly recognize the total amount. For example, when you look at a set of dice we instant know which side is 1, 2, 3, etc. We are working hard to teach the children the concept of subitizing. Our goals is for the children to look at a set of dots, blocks, etc and not have to count each one but to be able to identify the total instantly