Eschatology The Final State Part 1
Eternity is more than quantitatively different from time; it is qualitatively different because it is another dimension of reality.
It is important to realize that every human being who has ever been conceived (including the unborn) is going to exist continually in eternity. There are only two alternatives for mankind in the eternal state. Either we will enjoy the presence of God forever or we will be separated from Him forever. The eternal state is not determined in eternity; it is determined in time.
The Eternal State of the Lost Among the cultic views of eternity is the doctrine of annihilation. Those who embrace the concept that the unsaved of the ages will simply cease to exist do not derive their belief from the Bible but from the emotional difficulty of facing eternal judgment.
Another unfounded doctrine is universalism Another unfounded doctrine is universalism. This is another product of human reason as opposed to divine revelation. The concept is that somewhere in eternity everyone will eventually be saved. This is a false hope beyond the grave. In eternity the unsaved of the ages will be in a place. Hell is a real place, not a state of mind. The place called “hell” will become part of the place called the “lake of fire.” (Rev. 20:14)
While fallen men will be punished for their sins, the primary reason that they will be in the “lake of fire” is the fact that they have never trusted Christ. It is called the second death because death is a separation. Physical death is a separation of soul and spirit from the body. The second death is separation of the entire person from the presence of God. (2 Th. 1:9; Mat. 10:28)
Descriptors of Hell and the Lake of Fire Outer darkness – Mat. 25:30; 2 Pet. 2:17 Continual existence, where the worm dieth not – Mark 9:47,48 Consciousness – Luke 16:23 Continuous memory – Luke 16:27-31 Unquenchable fire – Mark 9:44-46; Mat. 8:12 Unquenchable thirst – Luke 16:24 Torment – Luke 16:23 Whole body – Mat. 5:29 Fire and Brimstone – Rev. 14:10 No rest day or night – Rev. 14:11
Eternal Suffering The fire is eternal – Mat. 25:41 The smoke of torment is eternal – o Rev. 14:11 The destruction will be eternal – 2 Th. 1:8,9 The contempt is eternal – Dan. 12:2 The punishment is eternal – Mat. 25:46 The damnation is eternal – Mark 3:29
Man refuses the grace of God in the gospel will suffer the consequences are a storehouse of eternal wrath from God. (Rom. 2:1-9 ) There are indications of degrees of suffering based upon the works of unbelievers. (Rev. 20:12,13 ) The suffering is going to be so severe, so individual, and so eternal, it is hard to conceive of significant differences in its character. The anguish is characterized by weeping and gnashing of teeth (Mat. 8:12)
Foolish, sentimental men declare that God is too good to send anyone to hell. The reality is that God is too just to do otherwise. In fact the Lord Jesus warned more about the eternal consequences of dying unsaved than anyone else in Scripture. The company kept in the lake of fire includes the most heinously wicked of human kind. (Rev. 21:8) Further, the fallen angels, the antichrist, and the false prophet will be there. Satan himself will languish there forever.
Understanding the eternal state of the unsaved ought to galvanize believers in honest efforts to evangelize those around them. There would be very few genuine believers who would not go to great lengths to save the life of a drowning sinner. Why are we so unmotivated about the salvation of their never dying souls?