Multi-Genre Paper
Definition of “genre” a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2014)
What’s “multi-genre”? No single genre may tell the “whole” story, but a collection of genres centered around the same focal point, theme, question, or concern can offer the writer and reader multiple ways of understanding it.
How do I do this? Choose a topic/theme/issue from The House on Mango Street around which to center your paper. Consider multitudinous ways you might explore it – poetry, narration, journal entries, articles – there are limitless mediums for exploration. Juxtapose your intellectual and emotional responses by carefully selecting the genres you feel will represent your perspective effectively.
Broad Themes in T.H.O.M.S. Home Identity Self-Definition Autonomy Dreams Hope Society & Social Class Gender (Roles & Stereotypes) Family Friendship Innocence Growing Up The “Other” – “othering” “Borderlands”
Categories of Genres
News Genre Examples News Story Obituary Editorial Want ad Movie critique Book review Lost and Found Letter to the Editor Advice Column
Narrative Examples Memoir Short Story Myth Interview Diary Personal Letter Character Sketch Email Postcard
Technical Writing Examples Research Report Science Lab “How To” instructions Crime Report Autopsy Legal Document Will Tax Return Check Book Register
Poetry Examples Sonnet Haiku Ballad Prose Poem Two-Voice Poem Blank Verse Limerick
Drama Examples One-Act Play Movie Script Dialogue Soliloqoy or Monologue Radio Script
Visual Example Cartoon Portrait Book Jacket Illustration Photograph Poster Advertisement Comic Strip
Miscellaneous Examples Menu Recipe Resume Invitation Announcement Grocery List Map
DUE DATE Projects are due AT THE START OF CLASS on Friday, May 26 and Tuesday, May 30. Absolutely no late ones will be accepted, for any reason. If you are absent on that day, your project is still due. Make arrangements to get me your project.