Health & Physical Education Philosophy To provide Ridge High School students with educational experiences to enhance their knowledge in the PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, and EMOTIONAL domains of learning.
Breakdown of Courses by Grade 9th Grade: Marking :Period 1- PROJECT ADVENTURE Marking Period 2 & 4- PHYSICAL EDUCATION Marking Period 3- FRESHMAN HEALTH 10th Grade: Marking Period 1- DRIVER’S EDUCATION Marking Period 2, 3, 4- PHYSICAL EDUCATION 11th Grade: Marking Period 1, 2, 3- PHYSICAL EDUCATION Marking Period 4- JUNIOR HEALTH 12th Grade: Marking Period 1, 3, 4- PHYSICAL EDUCATION Marking Period 2- SENIOR HEALTH
Health Curriculum Breakdown Freshman Health Topics: Social & Emotional Health Personal Safety: Risk Taking Decision Making Drugs, Medicine, & Alcohol Human Relationship & Sexuality Sophomore Health Topics: Driver’s Education Junior Health Topics: Drugs, Medicine, & Alcohol Human Relationships & Sexuality Safety & Wellness: CPR/First Aid Senior Health Topics: Transitions from Adolescence to Adulthood Nutrition & Exercise Consumer Health Disease & Health Conditions Personal Health Community Health
Physical Education Activities Group Activities: Handball Football Soccer Volleyball Basketball Speedball Fitness Based Activities: Yoga Weight Training Pilates Tumbling & Dance Dynamic Warm-Ups: Gradually increase rate of cardiovascular exertion, blood flow, and body temperature. Prevent injury by increasing flexibility of major muscle groups including: Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus, hip flexors, chest, biceps, triceps, etc.
Physical Education Grading Policy Participation: 40% (10 Pts) Consistently focused Enthusiastic about activity Active in class Works well with others Exhibits leadership & initiative Appreciation of activity Knowledge: 20% (5 Pts) Displays understanding of rules, strategies, techniques, safety, etc. Tests/Quizzes Reflections/Journals Written Reports Projects Porfolios
Physical Education Grading Policy Skill: 20% (5 Pts) Demonstrates and applies improved techniques, skills, and strategies presented in class Success rate is in the 90th percentile Preparation: 20% (5 Pts) POINT ALLOCATION each Marking period: 5 : Prepared all the time for class (no unprepared days) 4: One day unprepared 2: Two days unprepared 0: Three days unprepared -2: Four days unprepared SIX unprepared days shall result in loss of credit for that marking period.
Physical Education Grading Policy: Teacher Assignments on HAC LAB, Teacher Assigned = # designation of assigned teacher 1= Blackwell 2= Clark 3= Devlin 4= Erickson 5= Howard 6= Lime 7= Mooney 8= Tracy
Freshman Physical Education: Project Adventure
Freshmen Physical Education: Project Adventure Adventure based drug and alcohol prevention education which challenges students in the following areas: Teamwork & Cooperation Effective Communication Practical Problem Solving Refusal Skills Coping with Peer Pressure Healthy and Safe Risk Taking
Project Adventure- Full Value Contract Students pledge to… BE SAFE BE HONEST BE HERE RESPECT SELF AND OTHERS LET GO AND MOVE ON SET GOALS
Freshmen Physical Education: Project Adventure Project Adventure Peer Leadership Program: PAPL Seniors & juniors are trained in project adventure curriculum PAPL’s lead group activities and debriefing discussions following activities Goal of PAPL Program is to increase awareness and reduce the incidence of teen drug and alcohol abuse at Ridge High School. PAPL’s take a pledge to lead by example and remain drug & alcohol free
Physical Education Our HPE department has worked diligently to provide the students at Ridge High School with a quality Physical Education experience. PE offers our students an opportunity unlike any other class or extracurricular activity at Ridge High School: Students engage their bodies and minds while interacting with students of all academic, athletic, and social abilities.
Cognitive Benefits of Physical Education Physical education improves students’ health, which improves their ability to learn! A 2004 California Department of Education study revealed a positive relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement. Conclusions were based on results from health related fitness tests and California Standardized Tests. A 2007-08 study of more than 2.4 million Texas students found that students who were physically fit were more likely to do well on the state’s standardized tests and have better school attendance records and fewer disciplinary referrals than students who were not physically fit. In 2009, the New York City Health Department and Department of Education reported that physical fitness was associated with higher academic achievement among their public school students
Affective Benefits of Physical Education Students learn to interact with diverse populations Students are encouraged to work with classmates to engage in practical problem solving and critical thinking challenges Students are encourage to engage in activities which require exploration and appreciation of diversities
Mental/Emotional Benefits of Physical Education Provides students with a safe and educationally sound stress management opportunity Being physically active creates a release of feel-good endorphins and promotes happiness A structured environment in which students are encouraged to explore movement, strategize, and engage in creative “play”