Origin for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)…so it mainly causes urinary obstruction The most common site of origin for prostate cancer…so perrectal (PR) exam is important
Nodules in BPH
Normal Basal cell layer, present in benign and absent in malignant Columnar epithelial layer Corpora amylacea Fibromuscular stroma…fibroblasts & smooth muscle cells
BPH A nodule formed of glands The glands are large and branching Some nodules are just: stromal nodules
Large branching glands BPH…high power The cells are more in number with stratification Large branching glands Corpora amylacea
Multiple sections from a radical prostatectomy …multiple yellowish lesions here represent carcinoma…note that the gland is not much enlarged
Prostatic adenocarcinoma …small glands …crowded glands …decreased secretions …absent basal layer
Prostatic carcinoma high grade (Gleason 5) …poorly differentiated composed of infiltrating cells that are not forming glands …note the prominent nucleoli and the pleomorphic enlarged nuclei
Normal testis Atrophic testis… multiple causes . e.g., cryptorchidism, infection (e.g., mumps)…etc.
Spermatid (sesame-like)…so maturation is good Normal adult testis Spermatid (sesame-like)…so maturation is good A seminiferous tubule Sertoli cells at the periphery Different stages of spermatogenesis
Prepubertal testis …just sertoli cells
Atrophic fibrotic tubules due to radiotherapy, infection…etc. Focal atrophy Atrophic fibrotic tubules due to radiotherapy, infection…etc. Normal seminiferous tubules
Atrophic testis Note the thickening of tubular BM…this accompanies atrophy Only sertoli cells…no spermatogenesis
Hydrocele …fluid around the testis…it transilluminates because it contains serous fluid But a tumor or hematocele will not transilluminate
Testicular gangrene (red infarction) because the mechanism is venous congestion due to torsion of testis which is an emergency to prevent gangrene
A tumor in testis…it is well circumscribed and without hemorrhage or necrosis (features that prefer seminoma)
Rim of the remaining testis A large lobulated seminoma
Seminoma Dense lymphocytic infiltrate Normal testis remnant Islands of malignant cells which have large nuclei and clear to pale cytoplasm
Seminoma Note the atypia and prominent nucleoli
Embryonal carcinoma Epithelium-like structures that are formed of large cells with prominent pleomorphism and atypia
Part of cyst wall (part of cystic teratoma) Cartilagenous area (part of teratoma) Mixed germ cell tumor (this example is: teratoma + embryonal carcinoma = teratocarcinoma…the most common combination) Friable, necrotic and hemorrhagic part (features commonly seen in embryonal carcinoma) No normal testicular remnant is seen
Mixed germ cell tumor (this example is: teratoma + embryonal carcinoma = teratocarcinoma…the most common combination) Embryonal carcinoma focus Cartilage…part of teratoma
Bowen disease of penis = squamous cell carcinoma in situ …it cannot be differentiated microscopically from Bowenoid papulosis The full thickness of epidermis shows markedly enlarged nuclei with pleomorphism, hyperchromasia & prominent nucleoli…+ loss of maturation …BM is intact
Bowen disease of penis The full thickness of epidermis shows markedly enlarged nuclei with pleomorphism & prominent nucleoli…+ loss of maturation …BM is intact All this is a nucleus…note that this nucleus is very atypical but not necessarily to be hyperchromatic (it has open (white) chromatin pattern)
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