Phrases and Clauses Phrase--a group of words Clause--a group of words with a subject and verb
Clauses dependent--cannot stand alone and make sense If I go, While you wait, whenever you want independent--can stand alone I will go. You were there. He saw you.
Simple Sentence S has one independent clause I love to eat. He came over last night. The test was not so bad.
Compound Sentence CD 2 independent clauses can be joined by a fanboys conjunction f=for a=and n=nor b=but o=or y=yet s=so place a comma before the conjunction to separate the two complete sentences
Complex Sentence CX one dependent clause and one independent clause If the dependent clause comes first, place a comma after it. The independent clause comes first when the other is second. (no comma)
Compound/Complex Sentence CDCX at least one dependent and at least two independent clauses Mom said that I could go, but I can’t. When she grins, I know I have her permission; and I am happy.
Statement . States a fact The weather is cold. We took a test.
Command . Tells someone to do something Turn off the light. Close the door. Will you please close the door. (if requests ACTION--use a period)
Question ? Asks a question that requires an ANSWER Did you see him yesterday? What time will you come?
Exclamation ! Exclaims emotion Oh! Help me! Ouch!