Mathematical Association of America at UTSA
Facebook: Like MAA.UTSA
Problem Solving Club Located in the FLN 4th Floor, in conference room Guided by: Dr. Patterson Get to work on problems not usually found in math classes Free Pizza and Drinks
Want to be an Officer? All positions are available for next semester! President, Vice President, Treasurer, Event Manager, Secretary, & Web Master Looks good on a resume! Please contact us if interested!
T-Shirts/ Dues Fee: $15 Ivan will start collecting. Permanent Member Eligible to run for office Be considered to attend for conferences
Best Fest
Need Volunteers 1. Need someone with a truck. 2. Check-in starts at 11am. Need help setting the booth up. 3. Need people to donate buckets (we need 4), Trash Bags, Hand Soap Dispenser, Paper Towels/Cloth, and Decorations 4. Inspection starts at 1pm so everything needs to be set-up by then 5. BestFest will start from 4-10pm
Future Meetings October 27th (Norman) November 10th (Chavez) December 1st (Movie Night!)
Presenting Chris Duffer