Grendel an introduction
John Gardner 1933-1982 Gardner was the son of an English teacher (mother) and a preacher/dairy farmer (father). Gardner’s younger brother, Gilbert, died in an accident when he was hit by a tractor. John was the driver. Most famous for Grendel, Gardner has written numerous works of full-length fiction, short stories, poetry, and literary criticism. Won the 1976 National Book Critics Award. Gardner died in 1982 in a motorcycle accident only 2 miles from his home in rural Pennsylvania: he had been drinking. He was buried next his brother.
Things to look for… Characterization and how characters interact with each other The differing/shifting philosophies of key characters Allusions and how to they enhance the text Note how Grendel connects to other works (think back to Foster’s introduction: memory) Where is it similar? Where is it different? Why? Structure? POV? Characterization? Tone? etc. Literary devices: notice them, label them, and think about why they are there…
Deadlines and tasks Check out a book ASAP if you don’t have one yet. Read chapters 1-5 by Monday, 9/26/16 Read the whole novel by Monday, 10/3/16 Don’t forget to answer the reader’s journal questions in your reader’s journal!