France in the 17th Century
The life of a peasant Most worked as farmers, in the old “feudal system”
Life was harsh, but very few rebelled…WHY NOT?
Food was meager, with little meat and very small portions…
Much of what they grew was given to the lords and kings as a tax called a “tithe”
Peasants were very religious, believing that their difficult lives would pay off with eternal salvation in heaven…
A new class of people emerged… What events created this new class?
The Bourgeoisie Cities grew and tradesmen and artisans started to gain power as they made money.
Why not let all the people possible into your craft /trade? They formed guilds (unions) to protect their rights as workers… Why not let all the people possible into your craft /trade?
They introduced ideas of freedom and rights for all citizens…
They supported American Revolution… What impact could America’s independence have on the French?
They were about to demand great changes in France
The Nobility
Were born into privilege
Were exempt from most taxes How could they justify this?
Would collect a 10% tithe from peasants The clergy Would collect a 10% tithe from peasants
The official religion of France was?
Louis XIV – “The Sun King” What does this nickname imply?
The Palace Versailles How was it paid for?