Early Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cardiovascular Disease


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Presentation transcript:

Early Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cardiovascular Disease

Diabetes in Cardiology Cohorts

High Residual Risk of Diabetes: Observations from the Statin Trials

Mortality Impact of Glycemic Control: UGDP

Blood Glucose and Vascular Risk in Diabetes: UKPDS Findings

UKPDS Metformin Sub-Study: CHD Events

Off Target Adverse Drug Effects

ADOPT: Cardiovascular events

Summary of RCT & Meta-Analysis Data on TZDs and MI Risk

CV Effects of More Intensive Glucose Control in Recent Large-Scale Trials

2009 ADA/AHA/ACC Statement Recommendations

Cautions for Diabetes Medications in CHD Patients: Beware the Product Label

Proposed Algorithm for Glucose Treatment in T2DM Patients With/At risk for CVD

Proposed Algorithm for Glucose Treatment in T2DM Patients With/At risk for CVD

2012 Guidance from ADA/EASD for Glucose Management

ORIGIN Key Results

Converging Pressures for Regulatory Change: Beyond A1C

Summary of Revised Guidance for Diabetes Drug Development

New FDA Regulatory Guidance for Drugs for Type 2 Diabetes

Present Landscape of CVD Outcomes Trials in Type 2 DM

SAVOR-TIMI 53 Summary

SAVOR-TIMI 53 Summary





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