Halley’s Comet is preparing to pass by Neptune!!!! facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Halley’s Comet Logout Halley’s Comet is preparing to pass by Neptune!!!! Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Halley (5) Halley’s Comet is preparing to pass by Neptune!!!! October 7, 1963 Send Halley a message Poke message Oort Cloud-Have you finalized your plans for the Moon trip? October 1, 1963 Information Networks: Outer Space Birthday: May 29, 1917 Political: Rockuplican Religion: Scientology Hometown: Oort Cloud The Sun- I am gonna burn you!!! June 11, 1963 Jupiter is so glad we got to see each other!!! October 28, 1962 Friends Halley’s Comet hopes everyone realizes how serious I am about putting a creater on the moon!!! September 9, 1962 Oort Sunny Eros juppy Jackie Robert
Halley’s Comet is preparing to pass by Neptune!!!! facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Halley’s Comet Logout Halley’s Comet is preparing to pass by Neptune!!!! Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: Deep Space. Sex: Female Birthday: May 29, 1917 Hometown: Oort Cloud, Space Relationship Status: It’s Rocky with Shoemaker-Levy 9 Political Views: Rockuplician Religious Views: Scientology View photos of Halley(5) Send Halley a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Wandering on my elliptical path, hanging out with my homies Neptune and Pluto, Staying cool Interests: Space Exploration Favorite Music: Rock n’ Roll Favorite Movies: Armageddon, Deep Impact, Asteroid Favorite TV Shows: Third Rock from the Sun, 30 Rock Favorite Books: The Harry Potter Books, Twilight, New Moon Information Networks: Deep Space Birthday: May 29, 1917 Political: Rockuplican Religion: Scientology Hometown: Oort Cloud, Space Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: 76 Year Drive, Halley Orbit, Space Phone Number: (800) 767-6767 The Family Updated last Tuesday The Cloud Updated two months ago