Beeville I.S.D. Travel Procedures Revised 1/4/2016
Changes No Receipts for meals required Employee may be paid prior to departure of trip Employee must certify within ten (10) business days all funds were spent after return New GSA mileage Rates to $.575/mi (up from $.505/mi) $.54 New GSA Meal Rates, look is required on GSA website Meals are no longer paid on non overnight travel
GSA Website Enter City/Zip or State
Texas Rates
M&IE Breakdown If you travel to Austin M&IE is $59 On the Form you would enter the responding amounts
Mapquest .54
Finish Form Current mileage rate is $0.54
Attachments Always Include the following for EACH travel form submitted The actual form signed by the supervisor and requestor The GSA printout of the rate The GSA Printout of the breakdown for your rate The Mapquest from your location (school or department) to the location of the hotel/meeting The agenda for the business travel. Upon return Bring the Hotel Portfolio to the Finance Office and certify that all funds were spent receipt of any additional incidentals not covered by your per diem Certificate of attendance (not providing your certificate of attendance may jeopardize future per diem.