CS573 Data Privacy and Security Secure Multiparty Computation – Applications for Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining Li Xiong CS573 Data Privacy and Security Slides credit: Chris Clifton, Purdue University; Murat Kantarcioglu, UT Dallas 1
Distributed Data Mining The setting: Data is distributed at different sites These sites may be third parties (e.g., hospitals, government bodies) or may be the individual him or herself Privacy and security constraints: Privacy of individual data Security of data holders xn x1 x3 x2 f(x1,x2,…, xn) Secure computation can be used to solve distributed data-mining problem That is, carry out a secure computation
Distributed Data Mining Government / public agencies. Example: The Centers for Disease Control want to identify disease outbreaks Insurance companies have data on disease incidents, seriousness, patient background, etc. But can/should they release this information? Industry Collaborations / Trade Groups. Example: An industry trade group may want to identify best practices to help members But some practices are trade secrets How do we provide “commodity” results to all (Manufacturing using chemical supplies from supplier X have high failure rates), while still preserving secrets (manufacturing process Y gives low failure rates)?
Taxonomy Data partition Techniques Mining applications Horizontally partitioned Vertically partitioned Techniques Data perturbation Secure Multi-party Computation protocols Mining applications Decision tree Bayes classifier …
Horizontally Partitioned Data Data can be unioned to create the complete set key X1…Xd K1 k2 kn key X1…Xd key X1…Xd key X1…Xd K1 k2 ki Ki+1 ki+2 kj Km+1 km+2 kn Site 1 Site 2 … Site r 5
Vertically Partitioned Data Data can be joined to create the complete set key X1…Xi Xi+1…Xj … Xm+1…Xd key X1…Xi key Xi+1…Xj key Xm+1…Xd Site 1 Site 2 … Site r
Secure Multiparty Computation Goal: Compute function when each party has some of the inputs Secure Can be simulated by ideal model - nobody knows anything but their own input and the results Formally: polynomial time S such that {S(x,f(x,y))} ≡ {View(x,y)} Semi-Honest model: follow protocol, but remember intermediate exchanges Malicious: “cheat” to find something out
Application of SMC to Private Data Mining The aim: Compute the data mining algorithm on the data so that nothing but the output is learned Is it sufficient? xn x1 x3 x2 f(x1,x2,…, xn) Secure computation can be used to solve distributed data-mining problem That is, carry out a secure computation
Privacy and Secure Computation Privacy Security Secure computation only deals with the process of computing the function It does not ask whether or not the function should be computed A two-stage process: Decide that the function/algorithm should be computed – an issue of privacy (e.g. differential privacy) Apply secure computation techniques to compute it securely – security (focus of this class) Cryptography aims for the following (regarding privacy): A secure protocol must reveal no more information than the output of the function itself That is, the process of protocol computation reveals nothing. Cryptography does not deal with the question of whether or not the function reveals much information E.g., mean of two parties’ salaries Deciding which functions to compute is a different challenge that must also be addressed in the context of privacy preserving data mining. Secure computation: Assume that there is a function that all parties wish to compute Secure computation shows how to compute that function in the safest way possible In particular, it guarantees minimal information leakage (the output only) Privacy: Does the function output itself reveal “sensitive information”, or Should the parties agree to compute this function?
Secure Multiparty Computation Basic cryptographic tools Oblivious transfer Random shares Oblivious circuit evaluation Yao’s Millionaire’s problem (Yao ’86) Secure computation possible if function can be represented as a circuit Works for multiple parties as well (Goldreich, Micali, and Wigderson ’87) Idea: Securely compute gate Continue to evaluate circuit
But we aren’t done yet Circuit evaluation: Build a circuit that represents the computation For all possible inputs Impossibly large for typical data mining tasks Next step: Efficient techniques for specialized tasks and computations Tradeoff between security, efficiency, and accuracy
Outline Privacy preserving two-party decision tree mining (Lindell & Pinkas ’00) Primitive protocols Secure sum Secure union (encryption based) Secure max (probabilistic random response based) Secure data mining using sub protocols Privacy preserving data mining, Lindell, 2000 Tools for Privacy Preserving Data Mining, Clifton, 2002 Privacy-preserving Distributed Mining of Association Rules on Horizontally Partitioned Data, Kantarcioglu, 2004
Decision Tree Construction (Lindell & Pinkas ’00) Two-party horizontal partitioning Each site has same schema Attribute set known Individual entities private Learn a decision tree classifier ID3 Semi-honest model
A Decision Tree for “buys_computer” age? overcast student? credit rating? <=30 >40 no yes 31..40 fair excellent A decision tree is a flowchart-like tree structure, where each internal node denotes a test on an attribute, each branch represents an outcome of the test, and each leaf node holds a class label. Used for classification: Given a tuple with unknown attribute, the attribute values are tested against the tree, and a path is traced from root to the leaf, which holds the classification of the tuple. Decision tree is intuitive and simple. 14 14 14
ID3 Algorithm for Decision Tree Induction Greedy algorithm - tree is constructed in a top-down recursive divide-and-conquer manner At start, all the training examples are at the root A test attribute is selected that “best” separate the data into partitions - information gain Samples are partitioned recursively based on selected attributes Conditions for stopping partitioning All samples for a given node belong to the same class There are no remaining attributes for further partitioning – majority voting is employed for classifying the leaf There are no samples left Quinlan developed a decision tree algorithm known as ID3, then later extended into C4.5. Classification and regression trees (CART) is a technique that produces either classification or regression trees, depending on whether the dependent variable is categorical or numeric, respectively. They are invented independently around the same time, yet follow a similar approach. They form the cornerstone algorihtms. They both adopt a greedy strategy Attributes are categorical (if continuous-valued, they are discretized in advance) Differences include how the attributes are selected and the mechanisms used for pruning. Requires one pass of the database for each level of the tree 15 15 15
Privacy Preserving ID3 Input: R – the set of attributes C – the class attribute T – the set of transactions Step 1: If R is empty, return a leaf-node with the class value with the most transactions in T Set of attributes is public Both know if R is empty Use secure protocol for majority voting Yao’s protocol Inputs (|T1(c1)|,…,|T1(cL)|), (|T2(c1)|,…,|T2(cL)|) Output i where |T1(ci)|+|T2(ci)| is largest
Privacy Preserving ID3 Step 2: If T consists of transactions which have all the same value c for the class attribute, return a leaf node with the value c Represent having more than one class (in the transaction set), by a fixed symbol different from ci, Force the parties to input either this fixed symbol or ci Check equality to decide if at leaf node for class ci Various approaches for equality checking Yao’86 Fagin, Naor ’96 Naor, Pinkas ‘01
Privacy Preserving ID3 Step 3:(a) Determine the attribute that best classifies the transactions in T, let it be A Each party compute P1 and P2 , i.e., x1 and x2, respectively Essentially done by securely computing x*(ln x) where x is the sum of values from the two parties Step 3: (b,c) Recursively call ID3 for the remaining attributes on the transaction sets T(a1),…,T(am) where a1,…, am are the values of the attribute A Since the results of 3(a) and the attribute values are public, both parties can individually partition the database and prepare their inputs for the recursive calls decomposed to several steps Each step each party knows only a random share of the result
Security proof tools Real/ideal model: the real model can be simulated in the ideal model Key idea – Show that whatever can be computed by a party participating in the protocol can be computed based on its input and output only polynomial time S such that {S(x,f(x,y))} ≡ {View(x,y)} Intuitively, a party’s view in a protocol execution should be simulatable given only its input and output
Security proof tools Composition theorem if a protocol is secure in the hybrid model where the protocol uses a trusted party that computes the (sub) functionalities, and we replace the calls to the trusted party by calls to secure protocols, then the resulting protocol is secure Prove that component protocols are secure, then prove that the combined protocol is secure
Secure Sub-protocols for PPDDM In general, PPDDM protocols depend on few common sub-protocols. Those common sub-protocols could be re-used to implement PPDDM protocols
Privacy preserving data mining toolkit (Clifton ‘02) Many different data mining techniques often perform similar computations at various stages (e.g., computing sum, counting the number of items) Toolkit simple computations – sum, union, intersection … assemble them to solve specific mining tasks – association rule mining, bayes classifier, … The protocols may not be truly secure but more efficient than traditional SMC methods Tools for Privacy Preserving Data Mining, Clifton, 2002
Primitive protocols Secure functions Secure sum Secure union …
Secure Sum Leading site: (v1 + R) mod n Site l receives:
Secure Sum
Secure sum - security Does not reveal the real number Is it secure? Site can collude! Each site can divide the number into shares, and run the algorithm multiple times with permutated nodes
Secure Union Commutative encryption Secure union For any set of permutated keys and a message M For any set of permutated keys and message M1 and M2 Secure union Each site encrypt its items and items from other site, remove duplicates, and decrypt
Secure Union 1 ABC E1(E2(E3(ABC))) E1(E2(E3(ABD))) E2(E3(ABC))
Secure Union Security Does not reveal which item belongs to which site Is it secure under the definition of secure multi-party computation? It reveals the number of items that are common in the sites! Revealing innocuous information leakage allows a more efficient algorithm than a fully secure algorithm
Random Shares based Secure Union Phase 1: random item addition Multiple rounds with permutated ring Each node sends a random share of its item set and a random share of a random item set Phase 2: random item removal Each node subtracts its random items set
Random Shares based Secure Union - Analysis Item exposure attack An adversary makes a claim C on a particular item a node i contributes to the final result (C: vi in xi) Set exposure attack An adversary makes a claim C on the whole set of items a node i contributes to the final union result X (C: xi = ai). Change of beliefs (posterior probability and prior probability) P(C|IR,X) - P(C|X) P(C|IR,X)/P(C|X)
Exposure Risk – Set Exposure Disclosure decreases with increasing number of generated random items and increasing number of participating nodes Set exposure risk is or close to 0 for probabilistic and crypto approach Random items generation becomes more important in small network
Exposure Risk – Risk Exposure Item exposure risk decreases with increasing number of generated random items and participating nodes Item exposure risk for probabilistic approach is quite high Random items generation becomes more important in small network
Cost Comparison Commutative protocol and anonymous communication protocol efficient but sensitive to union size Probabilistic protocol efficient but sensitive to domain size Estimated runtime for the general circuit-based protocol implemented by FairplayMP framework is 15 days, 127 days and 1.4 years for the domain sizes tested
Multi-round protocols Multi-round probabilistic protocols for max/min and top k (Xiong ‘07)
Protocol Structure Random response (Warner 1965) 2018/11/27 Protocol Structure Social Survey Random response (Warner 1965) Multi-round randomized protocol Randomized local computation Multi-node anonymity Assumption: semi-honest model Private Data D1 D3 D2 Dn … Output Input Local Computation Preserving Privacy for outsourcing aggregation services, Xiong, 2007
A Naïve Max/Min Protocol 2018/11/27 A Naïve Max/Min Protocol 1 3 2 4 30 20 40 10 start i gi-1 gi vi gi-1>=vi gi-1<vi gi gi-1 vi Privacy Characteristics Starting node has 100% data value exposure Nodes close to the starting node has a high probability of data value exposure Data range exposure An anonymous protocol can be used to avoid worst case but will not help the average loss of privacy Intuitive idea Add in randomization When, how, and how much randomization to add in? Goal Ensure correct result Minimize data disclosure Add in randomization – how, when, and how much?
Max Protocol – Random response 2018/11/27 Max Protocol – Random response Random response at node i: gi-1>=vi gi-1(r)<vi gi(r) gi-1(r) w/ prob Pr: random number w/ prob 1-Pr: vi i gi-1 gi vi
Max Protocol – multi-round random response 2018/11/27 Max Protocol – multi-round random response Multiple rounds Randomization Probability at round r : Pr(r) = Local algorithm at round r and node i: gi-1(r)>=vi gi-1(r)<vi gi(r) gi-1(r) w/ prob Pr: rand [gi-1(r), vi) w/ prob 1-Pr: vi i gi-1(r) gi(r) vi
Max Protocol - Illustration 2018/11/27 Max Protocol - Illustration Start 18 32 35 D2 D2 30 10 32 35 40 18 32 35 20 40 D4 D3 32 35 40
PrivateTopK Protocol Gi-1(r) Vi Gi(r) 11/27/2018 Gi’(r)=topk(Gi-1(r) U Vi); Vi’ = Gi’(r) – Gi-1’(r); m = |Vi’|; if m=0 then Gi(r)= Gi-1(r); else with probability 1-Pr(r): Gi(r)= Gi-1(r) with probability Pr: Gi(r)[1:k-m] = Gi-1(r)[1:k-m] Gi(r)[k-m+1:k] = a sorted list of m random values generated from [min(Gi’(r)[k]-delta,Gi-1(r-1)[k-m+1]), Gi’(r)[k]) end Gi(r) Gi-1(r) 10 60 80 100 125 145 Vi 40 50 110 130 150 D1 … D2 Dn Multiple rounds Randomization Probability at round r : Pr (r) = Probabilistic local computation 11/27/2018
Min/Max Protocol - Correctness 2018/11/27 Min/Max Protocol - Correctness Precision bound: Converges with r Smaller p0 and d provides faster convergence
Min/Max Protocol - Cost 2018/11/27 Min/Max Protocol - Cost Communication cost single round: O(n) Minimum # of rounds given precision guarantee (1-e):
Min/Max Protocol - Security 2018/11/27 Min/Max Protocol - Security Probability/confidence based metric: P(C|IR,R) Different types of exposures based on claim Data value: vi=a Data ownership: Vi contains a Loss of Privacy (LoP) = | P(C|IR,R) – P(C|R) | Information entropy based metric: Loss of privacy as a measure of randomness of information: H(D|R) - H(D|IR,R) 0.5 1 Absolute Privacy Provable Exposure
Min/Max Protocol – Security (Analysis) 2018/11/27 Min/Max Protocol – Security (Analysis) Upper bound for average expected LoP: max r 1/2r-1 * (1-P0*dr-1) Larger p0 and d provides better privacy
Min/Max Protocol – Security (Experiments) 2018/11/27 Min/Max Protocol – Security (Experiments) Loss of privacy decreases with increasing number of nodes Probabilistic protocol achieves better privacy (close to 0) When n is large, anonymous protocol is actually okay!
Union Commutative encryption based approach Number of rounds: 2 rounds Each round: encryption and decryption Multi-round random-response approach?
Vector Each database has a boolean vector of the data items p1 p2 pc VG 1 b1 b2 bL … 1 1 1 1 … OR OR OR = … … … Each database has a boolean vector of the data items Union vector is a logical OR of all vectors Privacy Preserving Indexing of Documents on the Network, Bawa, 2003
Group Vector Protocol … 1 v1 1 … v2 1 … vc … 1 v1 1 … v2 1 … vc … Processing of VG’ at ps of round r Pex=1/2r, Pin=1-Pex for(i=1; i<L; i++) if (Vs[i]=1 and VG’[i]=0) Set VG’[i]=1 with prob. Pin if (Vs[i]=0 and VG’[i]=1) Set VG’[i]=0 with prob. Pex p1 p2 pc 1 … vG’ … vG’ 1 … vG’ 1 … vG’ 1 … vG’ 1 … vG’ 1 … vG’ r=1, Pex=1/2, Pin=1/2 r=2, Pex=1/4, Pin=3/4
Open issues Tradeoff between accuracy, efficiency, and security How to quantify security How to design adjustable protocols Can we generalize the algorithms for a set of operators based on their properties Operators: sum, union, max, min … Properties: commutative, associative, invertible, randomizable
Secure Functionalities Secure Comparison: Comparing two integers without revealing the integer values. Secure Polynomial Evaluation: Party A has polynomial P(x) and Part B has a value b, the goal is to calculate P(b) without revealing P(x) or b Secure Set Intersection: Party A has set SA and Party B has set SB , the goal is to calculate without revealing anything else.
Secure Functionalities Used Secure Set Union: Party A has set SA and Party B has set SB , the goal is to calculate without revealing anything else. Secure Dot Product: Party A has a vector X and Party B has a vector Y. The goal is to calculate X.Y without revealing anything else.
Secure Poly. Evaluation Association Rule Mining Secure Sum Secure Comparison Secure Union Secure Logarithm Secure Poly. Evaluation Association Rule Mining Decision Trees EM Clustering Naïve Bayes Classifier Data Mining on Horizontally Partitioned Data Specific Secure Tools
Data Mining on Vertically Partitioned Data Specific Secure Tools Data Mining on Vertically Partitioned Data Secure Comparison Secure Set Intersection Secure Dot Product Secure Logarithm Secure Poly. Evaluation Association Rule Mining Decision Trees K-means Clustering Naïve Bayes Classifier Outlier Detection
Summary of SMC Based PPDDM Mainly used for distributed data mining. Provably secure under some assumptions. Efficient/specific cryptographic solutions for many distributed data mining problems are developed. Mainly semi-honest assumption(i.e. parties follow the protocols)
Ongoing research New models that can trade-off better between efficiency and security Game theoretic / incentive issues in PPDM Combining anonymization and cryptographic techniques for PPDM