Planning & Fabrication Roman Action Figures Planning & Fabrication
What is a makerspace? Basically, a community center with tools Electronics and circuits Sewing and textiles Art supplies Woodworking supplies Fabrication tools (3D printers, cutting machines) Video and photograph production Coding and robotics Teachers will use the makerspace to complement their regular classwork
Step 1: research Who is your Roman? Find their full name, nicknames, family lineage, etc. What did they do? What were they known for? Where were they from? Where was their empire’s boundary? When did they reign? Why are they to be remembered? How did they reign? Identify a few accessories that are symbolic of their reign.
Step 2: Backer card Use to create your backer card. Login with Use the password “bluedevils”. On the “Caligula” template, click the arrow and click “Make a Copy”. Change the name of your action figure to ## Name (example: “01 Caligula”).
Backer card (front) Toy company logo Background image Character name Full name (or other detail) Title (or other detail) Toy company name Toy company slogan
Backer card (back) Dates of Reign 4-6 important facts 2 or 3 accessories Number in the series
STEP 3: submit backer card Download your backer card as a PDF. (Choose “PDF – Print”). When the window pops up, choose “download as watermark draft”. Send the PDF to It will be printed and returned to you. Once printed, you may start fabricating the action figure.