Navigation Move to HR Center to view applicant list.
Applicants didn’t pass screening or have been “archived”
Applicants that have passed screening
Click on First Name to view applicant information Click on Name of Applicant to view details
Click to view details Step One Application Applicant progress tab→ View the applicant screening results Applicant details tab → View employee details and applicant information tabs Employee Details tab shows a resume if it was uploaded, basic info and availability Applicant Information tab shows all of their application questions and answers (ex. previous employment etc.)
Move applicant if they are not needed. If the applicant does not meet the qualifications for an interview you can decline them If you want to make them available for another location you can move them into the applicant pool
If the applicant does not meet the qualifications for an interview you can decline them If you want to make them available for another location you can move them into the applicant pool
Click “Next” to invite to interview If the applicant is qualified you can invite them for an interview
Step Two: Interview Invitation Decide if you want to invite them by email or text Choose and enter up to 3 dates/times for the interview Look at the message body and see if you want any changes. Step Two Interview Invitation Send invitation Decide if you want to invite them by email or text Choose and enter up to 3 dates and time for the interview Look at the message body and see if you want any changes. Click send
Step Three: Interview Select appropriate interview type from the drop down, and click start interviewing. Hover over the ? for helpful hints of what you want to hear from your candidate Take notes for each question
Once the interview is complete you can save and exit or continue with the hiring process. By clicking “next” you will move the applicant into a candidate status and they can now complete new hire documents.
Promote to Candidate will trigger an email with credentials to log in and complete new hire documents. If you do NOT want a candidate to have access to the system click the “Do not send…” checkbox. You have the option to send your applicant a msg. with their login information so they can start completing new hire documents.
Step Four: Read & Sign Documents Track candidate’s progress Once they have completed what is necessary click “NEXT” to move them through the system. The HR Wizard keeps track of your new hires progress, and you can view what documents have been completed. Once they are completed, you can move them through the system to step 5.
Step Five: Training Track candidate’s progress Once they have completed what is necessary click “NEXT” to move them through the system.
Click “ok” on this pop up will move the candidate to a “trainee” status. Now their login will allow them to complete the online learning sessions in the system. You can choose to send another notification email
Step Six: Accept By clicking approve the applicant will now be moved from the applicant list to an employee profile. The employee will receive an email with their credentials and link to log into the system for any additional use. Once approved the new hire is an employee with a profile in the system! Now they will show up in your employee not applicant list