Using the Right Word Part One Day One
A An
A An If a word begins with a consonant sound If a word begins with a vowel sound A European vacation A historian A university An honor An apple An MBA
Alot A lot
Alot A lot Wrong! “A lot” is always two words Incorrect A lot of people use this expression incorrectly.
Alright All right
Alright All right Wrong! “All right” is always two words Incorrect Everything is all right with the world.
All ready Already
All ready Already Two words when it means “everyone is ready” One word when it means “previously” The group is all ready to go now. I already saw this movie.
Its It’s
Its It’s Possessive pronoun; shows ownership Contraction meaning “it is” or “it has” The kitten licked its paw. It’s a good thing we won the game.
Real Really
Real Really Genuine; not fake Used the same way as the word “very” Is this real leather? Adam Sandler is really funny.
There Their They’re
There Their They’re In that place or position Possessive pronoun; shows ownership Contraction meaning “they are” Your cleats are over there. There is a storm brewing. My parents drove their Mustang to the theatre. Sue and Nick said they’re going to the game.
Weather Whether
Weather Whether Climate or conditions outside Means “if” The weather is 90 degrees and sunny. I can’t decide whether I want to eat or sleep.
Who’s Whose
Who’s Whose Contraction meaning “who is” Possessive pronoun; shows ownership Who’s the boss? I wonder whose coat is on the chair.
Your You’re
Your You’re Possessive pronoun; shows ownership Contraction meaning “you are” Your portfolio is very cool. I think you’re right.
Let’s Practice! Worksheet: Practice 1
GAME TIME! Grammar Basketball
Choose the correct sentence: I sat over there because I saw Paul. They’re family is very kind to everyone. If there are any problems, call Megan.
Correct Answer: I sat over there because I saw Paul. If you got it right, take a shot!
Choose the correct sentence: I ate a apple for breakfast. My father has an MBA. This is such a honor.
Correct Answer: b) My father has an MBA. If you got it right, take a shot!
Choose the correct sentence: A lot of my friends went on vacations this summer. Alot of my friends went on vacations this summer. Allot of my friends went on vacation this summer.
Correct Answer: A lot of my friends went on vacations this summer. If you got it right, take a shot!
Choose the correct sentence: I think it’s alright to have a different opinion. Do you think it’s all right? When Sue asked what I thought of the song, I said, “It’s alright!”
Correct Answer: b) Do you think it’s all right? If you got it right, take a shot!
Choose the correct sentence: Have you seen the movie all ready? The group is already to go. I’m all ready; let’s go.
Correct Answer: c) I’m all ready; let’s go. If you got it right, take a shot!