ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch I nfoscience EPFLs Institutional Repository … and much more 1.Objectives 2.Means 3.Content & Services 4.Infoscience vs OAI 6.Next steps forward David Aymonin Directeur de lInformation Scientifique et des Bibliothèques
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Collect and make known the EPFL intellectual heritage, i.e. its scientific and teaching output Make researchers and their skills more visible Make the scientific data collected more accessible and legible,by structuring them Allow their long term preservation Allow their processing for the assessment needs of the institution Objectives
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Human resources –Full-time project leader, new position –Ad-hoc team : EPFL staff, when needed Technical choice –Based on CDSWare, XMLMARC, Python language –Official partnership with CERN for CDSWare software development Means
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Theses Scientific outputs catalogue Infoscience 755 profiles of researchers references. 11 libraries * Content, 1st june 2005 Searches :793/day, ± /month Exports :188/day, ± 5 600/month Fulltexts :114/day, ± 3 500/month references fulltext 26 laboratories references 733 fulltext * : references from 11 EPFL libraries, members of NEBIS Union catalogue will be added on october 2005
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Services : Data export
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Old version. LANOS Lab. Website Local database Services : Data re-use
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch infoscience New version. LANOS Lab. Website Services : Data re-use
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Services : Old version. LANOS Lab. Directory
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch New version. LANOS Lab. Directory Services :
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Freely accessible PhD theses are declared in OAIster Already tried to declare Infoscience in Scirus, Google scholar… Not as simple as it should be Next : ISI Web citation index Regarding OA, EPFL attitude is « moderate » –Variable from one lab. to another, Open access still frightens –Advocacy OAI will be done in 2005 –Official statement from Conférence des Universités Suisses awaited and could help Infoscience & OAI
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch 1920 Paper archiving at the Central library PhD theses 2003 Electronic archiving made possible June 2004 Electronic archiving compulsory. 200 PhD theses /year Retrodigitalization of all PhD theses, started end pages. 300 dpi, B&W or 150 dpi, grey levels for color pages TIFF provided, PDF 1.4 image online OCR for liminary pages of theses Total amount of data 15 Gb
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Workflow, Central Library EPFL Print version N copies PDF file THESE File FINAL VERSION PDF or Postscript Printing service EPFL Libraries : National, ETHZ Swiss National Library Asking for Authorisation to put PhD these on the Internet, if NOT, then on Intranet File processing, Putting online Academic registration service EPFL Information: Final version released PhD Student Metadat a
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch OAI enabled Metadata processing, Cataloguing in NEBIS Filemaker Web database Abstract Fulltext 2 Catalogues (unfortunately ) DTD RERO Data enrichment INFOSCIENCE CDSWare copy and paste Loading XML records With abstracts Abstract OAI-PMH Link to Filemaker web record
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Made by the central library for each these Creation of final Frontpage (in PDF) Abstract (in PDF + HTML) TOC (in PDF) Optimization of heavy PDF files Security Modification not allowed Printing, searching, copy allowed File metadata Size of file, links to abstracts and fulltext, Number of pages PDF files processing,
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Main issues –Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) –Metadata and file formats –Harvesting and visibility –Master dissertations The future is now,
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch IPR –Belongs to the Author –Electronic archiving made compulsory upon student registration –Changes in swiss law in 2005 Putting theses on the Internet Is not considered as prior publication The future is now,
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Metadata and file format –Metadata Swiss « DTD » ? (Convention in 2003) DTD-MS from NDLTD ? (already exists) TEF from AFNOR ? (awaited for 2005) –PDF PDF/A ? (ISO Standard in 2005?) Standards could appear in 2005 The future is now,
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Harvesting and visibility –OAIster RERO, EPFL, ETHZ already included Good Search interface Not specific to theses –Should we join NDLTD ? 195 members : UK, B, S, D, E, CN, AU, China, India Very poor Search interface, for the moment –European Thesis On Line (ETOL, Europe) Just at its begining Militate in favour of Switzerland member of NDLTD The future is now,
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch If needed, more info about:
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch If needed, more info about:
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch If needed, more info about:
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Master dissertations –The next step –Will require along and difficult institutional agreement to bep fully set up –In each of the 12 academic sections of EPFL collaboration with librarians, who are in contact with the teachers The Infoscience tool is robust And allows us to work with voluntary people ! The future is now,
ELAG CERN, Geneva, Mercredi 1 er juin 2005 infoscience.epfl.ch Long live OAI ! Thank you for your attention