Which switch for the switcher? Switching: Which switch for the switcher? ACACSO November 14, 2013 Atlanta, GA
Types of Switching Service Terminal Switching Service Intermediate Switching Service 2 types of switching services in Rule 5 plus unit-train and/or multi car service as well as inter-terminal switching. We are looking at terminal and intermediate today. We will discuss each type as outlined in Appendix A of the OT-10 and how Car Hire Rule 5 applies to each
Terminal Switching Service Performed by a Terminal Switching Road This is pretty obvious, but I need to keep all of the lawyers happy by putting this up here.
Terminal Switching Road A road connecting with private tracks (customer) Service is performed within designated switching limits Is not a part of the interline freight rate but does have a switch charge What is a terminal switching road?
Terminal Switching Road Car is received from carrier unloaded reconsigned or reshipped What happens?
Terminal Switching Road Car is Loaded reconsigned or reshipped delivered to carrier road And or this can happen
Terminal Switching Road TOL – Car Hire Rule 5 Up to 120 hours of relief is granted per switching event Higher & lower limits may be negotiated but need to be registered with Railinc How does this impact car hire? Rule 5 may be applied which will allow up to 120 hours of relief per event Other limits may be worked out between the carrier and the terminal switching road but need to be registered with Railinc
Intermediate Switching Service Performed by an Intermediate Switching Road This brings us to our next type of swithing service – intermediate. And guess what type of road performs this service
Intermediate Switching Road Service is performed within designated switching limits Is not a part of the interline freight rate but does have a switch charge A road handling a car between 2 carriers This is going to sound very similar to a terminal switching road in that Service Not part of the interline freight rate But here one difference, it’s the road that handles a car between 2 carriers. A car is received in i/c from 1 carrier and i/c to another carrier within the same switching district .
Intermediate Switching Road Cars are not loaded or unloaded on this type of road X The second difference is that
Intermediate Switching Road TOL – Car Hire Rule 5 Up to 24 hours of relief is granted per switching event Higher & lower limits may be negotiated but need to be registered with Railinc How does this impact car hire? Rule 5 may be applied which will allow up to 24 hours of relief per event Other limits may be worked out between the carrier and the terminal switching road but need to be registered with Railinc
Things to Remember about TOL Rule 5 It is not a reclaim Must be submitted not before 6 days and within 25 days from the day the service is completed TOL verified by Railinc So here are few important thing to remember about Rule 5 TOL’s regardless of what type of road you may be
Questions? Talk to Jim Pinson