LWA AMEP ACSF Workshop 2018 LWA is a contracted supplier of assessment validation services, professional development workshops and quality assurance services under the Adult Migrant English Program funded by the Department of Education and Training.
Purpose New requirements of the contract Introduce the ACSF ACSF and Curriculum ACSF and Assessment Tasks ACSF and AMEP Reporting
AGENDA 8.30 – 9.00 Registration, on arrival tea and coffee 9.00 – 9.10 Welcome, introductions, overview and purpose of the day 9.00 - 9.30 SESSION 1: INTRODUCTION TO ACSF KEY FEATURES PRE LEVEL 1 9.30 – 10:30 SESSION 2: PA TASK SELECTION – REPORTING AGAINST THE ACSF MAPPING CURRICULUM AND ACSF 10:30 – 11:00 ASSESSMENT TASK SELECTION 11.00 – 11.15 Morning tea 11.15 – 12:00 ASSESSMENT TASK COVERSHEET 12:00 – 12:50 SESSION 3: IA VIDEO: LEARNING AND ORAL COMMUNICATION MODERATION FEEDBACK 12.50 – 1.30 Lunch 1.30 – 2.45 ASSESSOR ANALYSIS IA DISCUSSION 2.45 – 3.00 Afternoon tea 3.00 – 3.45 SESSION 4: STATE ISSUES DISCUSSION 3.45 – 4.00 Wrap up and evaluation forms
Session 1 Introduction to ACSF
Introduction to the ACSF The ACSF usage in the AMEP focuses on: Learning Reading Writing Oral Communication
Key Features of the ACSF ACSF Levels of Performance ACSF PL 1 A ACSF PL 1 B ACSF 1 ACSF 2 ACSF 3 ACSF 4 ACSF 5 Performance Variables Grid Support Context Text complexity Task complexity
Key Features of the ACSF Indicator Indicator Descriptor Performance Variables Grid Focus Areas Performance Features Sample Activities
ACSF Pre Level 1 vs ACSF 1 - 5 ACSF Pre Level 1 describes performance of initial stages in language acquisition and current skills ACSF 1 – 5 describes increases in further skills development
Key Features of Pre Level 1 – Learning PLA 1.01 and PLB 1.01 Indicator Indicator Descriptor Performance Variables Grid Stages Focus Areas PLA Performance Features PLB Performance Features
Pre Levels in AMEP Client performance can be reported against PLA 1 and PLB 1 performance features If the client does not show a sufficient range of PLA performance features, NYA PLA 1 performance is reported as NYA PLA 1
Session 2 PA Task Selection – Reporting against the ACSF
PA Task Selection – Reporting against the ACSF Mapping Curriculum and ACSF Assessment task selection Assessment Task Coversheet
PA Task Selection – Reporting against the ACSF Mapping Curriculum and the ACSF
PA: Mapping Curriculum Against the ACSF Curriculum Level Module/Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria Conditions of Assessment Range Statement/Resource Implications ACSF ACSF Level Indicator/Indicator Descriptor Performance Variables Grid Focus Areas/ACSF Performance Features Sample Activities
CSWE/ACSF Mapping – Writing PLB 1.06
ACSF/CSWE Mapping Writing PLB 1.06
ACSF/CSWE Mapping Writing PLB 1.06
Curriculum/ACSF Mapping Note similarities between Curriculum requirements and ACSF Note differences: performance features not covered in the Curriculum Note differences: Curriculum requirements not covered in the ACSF
CSWE/ACSF Mapping Learning 2.01
CSWE/ACSF Mapping Learning 2.01
PA Task Selection – Reporting against the ACSF Assessment Task Selection
Principles of Task Selection Two tasks support ACSF indicator claims Task pairing should cover a range of ACSF Performance Features
Task Pairing Activity Select the most appropriate pair of tasks Writing 3.05 – 3 tasks (blue coversheet) Look at the ACSF Performance Features covered Choose the best pair of tasks to report a broad range of ACSF Performance Features
Write a Formal Letter / Email Task Pairing Outcomes Write a Narrative Write a Formal Letter / Email or + Complete a Complex Formatted text = Indicator 3.05
AMEP Assessment Task Bank (ATB) – Task Pairing A range of strategies for task pairing have been identified in the ATB Advice Document
ATB Advice Document with Sample Tasks
New ATB Task
New ATB Task
New ATB Task
PA Task Selection – Reporting against the ACSF Assessment Task Coversheet
Morning Tea
Assessment Task Coversheet Select Tuition Stream Indicators have to be recorded Always indicate the type of assessment for each task Both dates need to be recorded
Assessment Task Cover Sheet Curriculum/unit/module/LO/element Name of task has to be detailed Provide Context details Assessor analysis of client performance must be included for both tasks Always provide the date Refer to Formative/Summative assessment explanation if needed
IA Video: Learning and Oral Communication Session 3 IA Video: Learning and Oral Communication
Moderation: Allocating ACSF Indicators Activity Watch the video and notes client’s Learning and Oral Communication ACSF level Discuss with your colleagues Determine ACSF indicators awarded
IA Indicator Outcomes Learning: 1.01, 2.02 Oral Communication: 2.07, 2.08
Assessor Analysis 2 models of assessor analysis on Govdex 1) ACSF Template Model 2) Performance Feature model
Assessor Analysis Activity ACSF Template Model – Oral Communication 2.07: Fill in the “gaps” with evidence from the Interview Sheet
State issues discussion Session 4 State issues discussion
PLEASE FILL IN YOUR EVALUATION FORM Contact us: T: 03 9429 7551 F: 03 9429 7221 www.lwa.net.au Office admin: juliana@lwa.net.au AMEP admin: info@lwa.net.au Directors: fiona@lwa.net.au mary@lwa.net.au