You will be using the MPS District CABS to develop an assessment for your case study. The questions will be selected from the Number and Operations or Algebraic Reasoning content strands. The assessment should contain 3-4 tasks.
(1) Tasks selected at the student’s current grade level (1) Tasks selected at the student’s current grade level. (2) Items should offer the maximum opportunity for the student to demonstrate his/her understanding as well as provide you with sufficient evidence of his/her reasoning. (3) Tasks can be rewritten in order to make them more open-ended if needed. (4) Information from the assessment is the basis for instructional decisions to meet your student’s needs. (5) The assessment will be used again as a tool to monitor growth in math understanding.
STEP 1: GRADE LEVEL GROUPS You can build an assessment individually or with another person at the same grade level. Each grade level table has folders containing copies of the MPS District CABS. We ask that you not write on these copies. All of the CABS can be accessed from the MMP website. Select 3–4 questions for your assessment.
STEP 2: WORKING THE PROBLEMS Work out the CABS problems you selected and come to consensus as a group on the answer. Discuss the mathematical understanding you are hoping will surface from the assessment. What is the mathematics? What are you hoping to see in the student work? Decide on adjustments to provide sufficient information (i.e. Constructed Response format). You may not change the mathematics of the task.
STEP 3: COMPLETED ASSESSMENT In order to complete your assessment download the word format of the MPS District CABS from the MMP website (, click on the Quick Link for CABS). Copy and paste the selected items into a format to use with your case study student. If you are working in a team, make sure each person gets the final assessment.
STEP 4: GIVE THE ASSESSMENT Give the assessment as a “straight” assessment. No manipulatives or extra assistance. Take notes as you observe or interview your student. All information you learn will be helpful in your analysis of the results.