Triticeae genomics for the advancement of essential European crops TritiGen COST F&A0604 Proposal for a new COST Action: Proposer: Prof. Alan H. Schulman Head of Genomics Research, MTT Group Leader & Docent, University of Helsinki
TritiGen: History Initial inquiries: March 2006 Full proposal: 15 September Letter of invitation to ETGI list:26 April Preliminary proposal: 31 May Notification of selection for full proposal:12 July Invitation to present: 3 October Presentation in Brussels: 9 October Notification of Approval:2 November Estimated kickoff:April 2007
TritiGen… …with the goal to support development of a competitive, sustainable European agriculture based on improved key crops - wheat, barley & rye … is a network coordinating: Marker development for high resolution mapping, MAS Assessment, development & utilisation of genetic diversity Development of high-resolution mapping populations Physical map construction to accelerate map-based cloning High throughput phenotyping resources Application of transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic approaches Bioinformatic & sequence annotation platforms Development of new genetics tools (QTL, association genetics) Set up of a foundation for genome sequencing
Research centres participating in TritiGen Currently missing: Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia 123 (46 ) scientists (70 labs) have given details, + 9 COST-neighbour scientists (7 institutions)1
What is involved? How is it organised? TritiGen
Four Working Groups WG1 DivGen :Tools for Assessing and Harvesting Genetic Diversity WG2 PhysGen: Accessing the Physical Genome for Sustainability and Quality WG3 TraitGen: Implementation of Genomics Approaches for Understanding Cereal Traits WG4 FuncGen: Functional Genomics for Testing and Validation of Candidate Genes TritiGen organisation and content
germplasm diversity breeders lines mapping populations model cultivars physical maps genetic maps BAC libraries EST collections phenotypingtranscriptomicsmetabolomicsproteomics genes for: abiotic stressbiotic stressharvest qualitysustainablility Using the TritiGen toolbox germplasm resources genetic resources genomics tools needed traits + + =
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Kickoff meeting WG meetings MC meetings Conferences STSMs Reports month TritiGen meetings
Dissemination eventQuantityTarget Website1Public, Industry, Academia, Governments, EC, EP Databases & ProtocolsMultipleAcademia, Industry Website partners portal1Partners PDF brochure100sAcademia, Industry, Governments, EC, EP list100sAcademia, Industry, Governments, EC, EP WG meetings16Partners, Academia, Industry Action Conferences2Partners, Academia, Industry, Government Collective Action posters1 – 4Academia, Industry Scientific posters at conferences4 – 10Academia, Industry Collaborative scientific papersMultiplePartners, Academia, Industry, Government News releases and popular mediaMultiplePublic, Industry, Government TritiGen dissemination