Tell Me a Story! What is one of the most important things that we do in kindergarten? We story! We read stories, we create stories, we write stories (not all at once or right away).
And so, here is a parent and family getting ready story … This will involve your participation … [You will find your props in front of you at your child’s table spot] As you know, all stories have a problem to be solved. We will go through the lead up to the problem fairly quickly. You’ll see why. But, don’t worry, all of the information in this presentation is available in your handout and through our classroom website. I invite you to read the words with me! green
Once Upon a School Day … A Kindergarten Community Story
The kindergartners come in September to Room 103, smiling, crying, clinging, bouncing, running, laughing. School starts Tuesday, September 5th School hours for children are 7:50 – 2:40. Students may arrive between 7:50 – 8:10, but please allow plenty of travel time for small legs to walk to Room 103 on time. School hours for Mrs. H. are about 7:30 – 4:00, or by appointment.
They get to know their teacher, Mrs. H. Mrs. Harkins really enjoys teaching reading. Her favorite subjects are math and science. Mrs. H. also loves the rain, travel and meeting new people.
There are so many things to remember There are so many things to remember! What will my child need to do to successfully join his/her kindergarten community? Green Tags (first week); Folder (send everyday); Lunch; Snack (packed separately); Forms (please complete promptly – be sure to include a Volunteer Form!)
They will need their (green) tags, lunch, snack, folder, and forms. Green Tags (first week) Folder (send everyday) *Leave Skills & News sheet in folder all week* Lunch (lunch numbers are in your folders) Snack (packed separately from lunch; water only in the classroom) Forms (please complete promptly – be sure to include a Volunteer Form!)
They need labeled belongings. We will put belongings away in designated locations after the meeting. Directions will be provided on the board (for where supplies are to go). No need to label every crayon, pencil, etc.
They will enjoy an active, fun-filled day. Tennis shoes are not required, but are highly recommended (playground equipment is tricky to navigate). Resource Schedule: Monday (Library); Tuesday (Art – art smock required); Wednesday (Show & Tell); Thursday (PE – tennis shoes required); Friday (Music) Lunch Time: 10:53 – 11:23 *Checks and/or use* Cost: $2.80 Milk Alone: $0.65
They will honor special days (birthdays) throughout the year. We all love celebrating birthdays! Here at Short Pump children may recognize their birthdays by bringing in a small, non-food treat (pencils, erasers, etc.) to share with all of their classmates – we do not want anyone to feel left out! I just ask that you communicate with me prior to bringing/sending in a treat so that we do not get too many treats in one day and so we can work out the details. Other options are for a parent of the child to visit our classroom to read a special story or to donate a book in your child’s name to our school library.
There are many ways for parents to get involved in our community. Volunteer Opportunities (you will need to complete a Volunteer Form) Teacher’s Helpers; Lunch Bunch (forms on tables) nList – Used for classroom and school-wide information distribution: (owner email) ac489a (site password) Bookmark our classroom website:
Wonderful! SPES is the place to be!!
How will my child return home safely??! Ahem, this is the problem in the story … Kindergartners are only released to an adult with an ID. We highly recommend putting your child on the bus the first day, or starting the first day following your family’s transportation plan right away. Less stress = More success! Pipecleaners/tags should remain on backpacks all year long. If your child is to leave school a different way than usual, I must have a signed and dated note. Fill out blue (transportation) forms and white (information) forms and place them on the table by the door before you leave today. *Please print your email addresses and phone numbers as clearly as possible*
After a successful day, how can I get in touch with Mrs. H After a successful day, how can I get in touch with Mrs. H. and know what is going on in Room 103? My contact information: 804.360.0812 // Folders (send everyday – send all notes in folder) Back to School Night: Thursday, September 14th @ 6:30 – 8:00 PM Volunteer Options (Teacher’s Helpers; Lunch Bunch forms on tables)
Relax and Enjoy - It will be a great year!! Happy 2017 – 2018 School Year! Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions/concerns you may have The End