TALKING POINTS: Recent Google study wanted to see how much time a user spends with each screen. Result: 45% of their time is spent on mobile devices. Publishers must understand that mobile IS THE platform. We cannot afford to position ourselves as we did when digital first appeared. Then we were newspapers that put news online – but we were chained by our legacy mindsets. The Mobile ecosystem will get further and further away from publishers if they don’t fully embrace it now (not just a responsive site, but true mobile strategy) If you are going to succeed and lead in this multi-screen world, you need to embrace technology. And make sure that your technology is not just strong, but flexible enough to adapt to new and unknown trends. As a company, you have to pick and choose what your company wants to hold onto (core capabilities and major legacy systems that you are married to, such as CMS), and what you can get with smart partnerships. Avoid the mistake of spending too much money on something that will become obsolete Avoid the mistake of thinking that you can build an in-house solution. Avoid becoming a victim to your vendors who will constrain your ability to adapt and innovate.
TALKING POINTS: You want to unleash your content – but in a way that makes money. Not just in a way that deteriorates your traditional revenue streams. (Talk about % of PVs mobile vs. desktop?) (Pulling Emarketer data on mobile growth statistics)
TALKING POINTS: Diving deeper into the reason why the underlying mobile technology is so expensive, it’s not merely the “newness” of it….. But really the proliferation of it out there. Here- even if you have a successful web strategy – it doesn’t guarantee a leg up on your mobile strategy. Even if you have the technology wherewithal to know which ones of these icons is the very best within each box – you have to get them to work together…..
TALKING POINTS: Technology: Should be used as a weapon, not as an excuse It is THE publisher’s asset to drive innovation Empowers publishers to “think outside the box” With this pro-technology stance, DFM is empowering: Editors to focus on their key skill, identifying relevant/timely content The ability to offer a customized experience to specific audience segments/targets Creativity and flexibility in rising to the challenge of the digital revolution
TALKING POINTS: Rumble is the central enterprise platform to power all mobile apps and mobile web for DFM. Why was it important for us to have Rumble as a partner? - Allows DFM to take a holistic approach to their mobile presence. Freed us to think about the audience, while they handled the operational systems. - For legacy systems that really matter – Rumble seamlessly integrated with them. - Allowed us to catapult our capabilities and arm our local brands and editors with the freedom to: Create a unique/differentiated UX Make real-time layout changes to accommodate breaking news Create and sell as many ads as possible - Creation of Innovation Lab, so that more innovation comes with our DFM team leading the charge, and Rumble providing the underlying architecture to scale our innovations.
TALKING POINTS: With Rumble, our editors can make instant changes to how their apps and mobile websites look like. This gives local journalism a competitive edge not only with stellar reporting but a mobile technology system that allows our editors to have a fuller storytelling kit. This flexibility was extremely important as Digital First Media arms itself for the future – because in all likelihood our content strategy will change as user behavior changes, and when you realize what you thought would work didn’t and you want to agile enough to respond.
TALKING POINTS: Mobile strategy: Platform flexibility and scalability allows DFM to evolve, test and constantly adapt their mobile efforts DFM only limited by their own vision Technology has potential beyond DFM’s current requirements Customized user experience: Develop apps with intuitive interface to improve UX for existing and new users Improve user engagement Identify the popularity of individual channels/sections to improve content delivery Placement of targeted ads predicted by user behaviors Editorial content control: Editor’s ability to curate and distribute content using data-driven analysis from user engagement metrics Test different layouts Offer relevant content to improve sharing capabilities and drive new user acquisition Create unique layouts for audience segments Innovation Lab: Ability to test, prototype and develop new features 1st deliverable – real-time content updates (e.g. national or man-made disaster with strong human interest angle)
TALKING POINTS: With Rumble, we know that as mobile devices evolve, we have a platform that will continue to evolve and make sure we never leave any users behind Rumble is the central enterprise platform to power all mobile apps and mobile web for DFM. Why was it important for us to have Rumble as a partner? - Allows DFM to take a holistic approach to their mobile presence. Freed us to think about the audience, while they handled the operational systems. - For legacy systems that really matter – Rumble seamlessly integrated with them. - Allowed us to catapult our capabilities and arm our local brands and editors with the freedom to: Create a unique/differentiated UX Make real-time layout changes to accommodate breaking news Create and sell as many ads as possible - Creation of Innovation Lab, so that more innovation comes with our DFM team leading the charge, and Rumble providing the underlying architecture to scale our innovations.
TALKING POINTS: With Rumble, our editors can make instant changes to how their apps and mobile websites look like. This gives local journalism a competitive edge not only with stellar reporting but a mobile technology system that allows our editors to have a fuller storytelling kit. This flexibility was extremely important as Digital First Media arms itself for the future – because in all likelihood our content strategy will change as user behavior changes, and when you realize what you thought would work didn’t and you want to agile enough to respond.
TALKING POINTS: Customized user experience: Develop apps with intuitive interface to improve UX for existing and new users Improve user engagement Identify the popularity of individual channels/sections to improve content delivery Placement of targeted ads predicted by user behaviors Editorial content control: Editor’s ability to curate and distribute content using data-driven analysis from user engagement metrics Test different layouts Offer relevant content to improve sharing capabilities and drive new user acquisition Create unique layouts for audience segments
TALKING POINTS: Mobile strategy: Platform flexibility and scalability allows DFM to evolve, test and constantly adapt their mobile efforts DFM only limited by their own vision Technology has potential beyond DFM’s current requirements