There are three major language groups you need to be familiar with this year: 2
Germanic – spoken mostly in northwest and central Europe Examples: German, English, and Swedish Common ancestral language: Proto-Germanic Romance – spoken mostly in southern and western Europe Examples: Italian, French, and Spanish Common ancestral language: Latin Slavic - spoken mostly in eastern Europe Examples: Russian, Latvian, and Lithuanian Common ancestral language: Proto-Slavic 4
There are three major religions you need to be familiar with this year: 5
Judaism Roots are traced to Abraham Jews believe in one god Oldest of the three major religions Roots are traced to Abraham Jews believe in one god Main symbol is the six pointed “Star of David” 6
Christianity Roots are traced to Jesus of Nazareth Second oldest of the three major religions Roots are traced to Jesus of Nazareth Christians believe in one god Main symbol is the cross 7
8 Christianity has three major branches: Protestant – or Protestantism Catholic – or Catholicism Eastern Orthodox – or Orthodox
Islam Roots are traced to Mohammad, said to be a prophet of God. Youngest of the three major religions Roots are traced to Mohammad, said to be a prophet of God. Followers are called Muslims, believe in one god, called Allah Symbol is the Crescent and Star 10
Note the overlap between language and religion! For the most part: 11 Germanic = Protestant Christianity Romance = Catholic Christianity Slavic = Orthodox Christianity