trauma frequency & chance of ptsd overall 60.7% of men and 51.2% of women had experienced a severe traumatic event different types of event had different chances of producing PTSD - e.g. rape, childhood physical abuse and combat exposure had worse outcome women were both more likely to experience “worse” events and then to develop PTSD 8.2% of men exposed to severe trauma developed PTSD in contrast to 20.4% of women
ptsd prevalence 10.4% women 7.8% estimated to suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder at some stage in their lives 10.4% of women and 5.0% of men more than a third do not fully recover even many years after the trauma in some populations use of complementary therapies is likely to be considerably higher - eg. as early as 1981 in a survey of 2000 readers of Which? magazine, 1 in 7 (>14%) had visited a complementary practitioner in the last year. Magic or medicine? Which? August 1981 5.0% men