Skulbong Taisawapak ID:48540843 PHP Language Skulbong Taisawapak ID:48540843
When was the language first designed or implemented? In 1994 By Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP was written in the C programming.
What were the goals and purpose of this language? for use in monitoring his online resume and related personal information. For this reason, PHP originally stood for "Personal Home Page". Lerdorf combined PHP with his own Form Interpreter, releasing the combination publicly as PHP/FI (generally referred to as PHP 2.0) on June 8, 1995.anguage
What kind of problem domain was it intended for? PHP can do anything any other CGI program can do, such as collect form data, generate dynamic page content, or send and receive cookies.
Who were the envisioned users? Webmaster Administrator developer
Who designed the language ? Rasmus Lerdorf design PHP/FI for use in monitoring his online resume and related personal information. For this reason, PHP originally stood for "Personal Home Page". Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, rebuilt PHP's core, releasing the updated result as PHP/FI 2 in 1997. The acronym was formally changed to PHP: HyperText Preprocessor, at this time. (This is an example of a recursive acronym: where the acronym itself is in its own definition.) In 1998, PHP 3 was released, which was the first widely used version.
What are some main features or distinctive features of the language? server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
What contribution(s) did the language make to the field of computer languages? PHP is its support for a wide range of databases. Writing a database-enabled web page is incredibly simple
How successful was the language?
How widely is the language used today? Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.
Examples public $result; function Add (Numbers $numbers){ $this->__construct($numbers); } function __construct(Numbers $numbers){ if ($numbers->numCount > 0){ for ($i=0;$i<$numbers->numCount;$i++){ $this->result = $this->result + $numbers->number[$i]- >number; $this->result = sprintf(PREC,$this->result); return $this->result; $this->result = $numbers->number;