Agenda: Wednesday Opening Activity CHOCO BARS for the winners Review from yesterday Parts of a Map PPT Compass Rose Grid Direction Game
think about it. a map of what?
A map of what? Territory size shows the proportion of worldwide net exports of fruit (in US$) that come from there. Net exports are exports minus imports. When imports are larger than exports the territory is not shown. South American territories export twice as much fruit (net) as territories in any other region, except for Western Europe
Review…. MAPS Maps are pictures or representations of the Earth's surface. They show how places are related to each other by distance, direction, and size. Maps are a way of showing a part of the Earth's surface on a flat piece of paper.
A map includes a compass rose that shows direction. -Cardinal Directions (four base parts on a compass-N, S, E, W) -The points in between the cardinal directions are called Ordinal/Medial directions (northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast, etc.)
Maps have legends. The objects on a map are represented using symbols Maps have legends. The objects on a map are represented using symbols. A symbol is a picture on the map that represents something in the real world. To understand the symbols on a map you need a legend. Maps use a legend to explain the meaning of each of the symbols used in the map. The legend usually shows a small picture of each of the symbols used on the map, along with a written description of the meaning of each symbol.
Maps have scales. Maps are scaled down so that they fit on paper Maps have scales. Maps are scaled down so that they fit on paper. When scaling down a map, every part of the map is scaled by the same amount. This is done to make sure that every object on the map is the same proportion as everything else on the map. Scales can be represented as: 1. 2. 3.
….which parts of a map are we forgetting?
How are different types of maps distinguished?
Political Maps Do not show physical features Show state and national boundaries and capital and major cities A capital city is usually marked with a star within a circle.
Political Map
Physical Map Illustrate the physical features of an area, such as the mountains, rivers and lakes. The water is usually shown in blue. Colors are used to show relief—differences in land elevations. Green is typically used at lower elevations, and orange or brown indicate higher elevations.
Physical Map
Climate Map The climate of a place is the weather it has season by season, year after year Climate maps give general information about the climate and precipitation (rain and snow) of a region. Cartographers (map makers) use colors to show different climate or precipitation zones.
World Climate Map
Land Use Resource Map Feature the type of natural resources or economic activity that dominates an area. Cartographers use symbols to show the locations of natural resources or economic activities. For example, oranges on a map of Florida tell you that oranges are grown there.
Elevation Maps Maps that show elevation (land height) change by using color or shading.
Elevation Map What is the elevation of the San Joaquin Valley?
Topographic Map -These maps show a small area with a lot of detail. They show elevation with contour lines, natural and man-made features. -contour lines show the shape and elevation of an area. Lines that are close together indicate steep terrain, and lines that are far apart indicate flat terrain.
Topographic Map
Contour Lines Contour lines represent the elevation at that line. If you were to walk across a line, you are changing elevation.
Contour Map
Were you listening?? This map represents a small area with lots of detail. It has contour lines as well as natural and man-made features. _______________ This map uses colors to show height above sea level. ____________________________ These colorful maps show lines that people use to divide countries and states. They also show major cities. _____________________ These maps show physical features on the Earth like rivers, mountains, and deserts. ____________________________ These maps show how land is being used. For example, they might show which crops are being grown or what animals are being raised. __________________________ These maps show climate regions. ___________________
The Compass Rose Why do we use a compass? The compass is used for navigation, location and direction. It is an instrument composed of a suspended magnetic pointer that is attracted to the polarity of the North Pole. A precisely measured scale is used to mark the directions, relative to the north. Through a slight left or right turn, a compass will accurately point to the North Pole and identify the angles of the other cardinal directions.
4 Cardinal Points (N,E,S,W) 12 Ordinal Points (NE, SE, NW, SW, NNE, SSW, WSW, WSW, etc)