Provided by the Hartnell College Outcomes and Assessment Committee Elumen basics Provided by the Hartnell College Outcomes and Assessment Committee
By the grade entry deadline date for a semester, go to the eLumen homepage:
Log-in with your credentials (P.A.W.S. ID and password)
Once you have logged in, you will see the courses that are scheduled for assessment, indicated with a scorecard icon. (If you teach in more than one discipline, check each discipline for scheduled assessments). Click the scorecard.
For each student, you will see all SLOs for the course For each student, you will see all SLOs for the course. Using the institutional standards (Exceeds/Meets/Does Not Meet) score each student on each SLO by simply clicking the score beside their name. If a student was not assessed for a particular SLO, select N/A.
When completed, it should look similar to the sample below When completed, it should look similar to the sample below. After ALL scores have been entered for ALL SLOs and ALL students, select “Save and Continue to Reflection.” If you have only entered partial data, select “Save” to come back at a later time.
Answer the reflection questions provided Answer the reflection questions provided. The Outcomes and Assessment Committee will provide each discipline the responses to these reflection questions the following semester to promote discipline discussion of student learning outcomes (course level action plans). When finished, select “Submit.”
YOU’RE FINISHED. THAT’S IT YOU’RE FINISHED! THAT’S IT! If your discipline chooses to create more in-depth assessments, that is no problem! However, these new procedures ensure that at a minimum SLO assessment at Hartnell College is ACCESSIBLE CONSISTENT and EASY!