FAFSA Completion Project


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Presentation transcript:

FAFSA Completion Project FAFSA Completion PortalFAF

Millions Left on the Table Annually Alabama (2016-2017) US (2016-2017) 44% of HS graduates not completing the FAFSA 20,163 graduates did not complete the FAFSA 12,130 PELL Grant-Eligible Graduates did not complete the FAFSA (Over 60%) Average PELL Grant in 2016-17 = $3,737 Total PELL Grant Money Left on the Table in Alabama = $45,330,172 36% of HS graduates not completing the FAFSA 49% of HS graduates Eligible for PELL Grant Average PELL Grant in 2016-17 = $3,583 Total PELL Grant money left on the table in US = $2,300,000,000

Why This Matters FAFSA is the primary way to receive grants and scholarships. FAFSA is the only way to borrow federal student loans, which tend to have lower interest rates, more repayment options and borrower protections. Missing out could mean taking on more debt. Students heavily in debt less likely to make major purchases. US DOE reports that 90% of students nationwide who complete a FAFSA matriculate into a postsecondary education/training pathway within 12 months. Students who don’t earn a postsecondary degree or other industry- recognized credential don’t qualify for high-wage, high-demand jobs. Alabama needs a better educated, more highly credentialed workforce!

Origins of the FAFSA Completion Portal FAFSA Completion Collective Impact Initiative (FCCII) Participating States Colorado received a Kresge Foundation grant and created an online tool for the secure matching and distribution of student level data for the purpose of FAFSA Completion. Accurately matches FAFSA applications with student enrollment data for secondary schools/districts (4% error rate). 2011, first year of implementation – CO saw a 5% increase in FAFSA completions statewide. Arizona (PLC) New Mexico (Tool & PLC) Colorado (Tool & PLC) New Dakota (Tool & PLC) Delaware (PLC) Georgia (Tool & PLC) North Carolina (PLC) Idaho (Tool & PLC) Oregon (PLC) Illinois (PLC) Utah (Tool) Maine (PLC) Washington (PLC) Maryland (PLC) Washington, D.C. (PLC) Michigan (PLC) West Virginia (PLC) Minnesota (Tool & PLC) Wisconsin (PLC) Mississippi (PLC) Wyoming (Tool & PLC) Montana (PLC) New! Alabama (Tool & PLC) Nebraska (Tool & PLC) “With the support of The Kresge Foundation, The Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE), has developed an online tool to help counselors better assist high school seniors to successfully complete the FAFSA. This tool allows counselors, principals and mentors access to provide more targeted assistance to their students. This tool is instrumental in increasing FAFSA completion rates for students -- especially first generation students pursuing postsecondary options.” [Source: Colorado Department of Higher Education, https://www.cde.state.co.us/postsecondary/sccgp-fafsa-update ] The US Department of Education shows a strong correlation exists between FAFSA completion and college enrollment. [Source: US Dept of Ed, https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/about/data-center/student/application-volume/fafsa-completion-high-school ]

This is why it’s important…the completion rate across the state isn’t good. It can be improved, and that’s the reason for this project.

Process Flow Diagram Process Flow Diagram Continue process as needed. ACHE Compares/Matches data using Colorado developed software to see who has completed FAFSA Connect EDU ACHE Downloads Federal FAFSA Data Federal FAFSA Database AL Dept of Education Submits student data to ACHE Participating Districts request and receive participation reports School Districts Student Applies for Federal Financial Aid using a FAFSA Authorized staff work with Students that have an incomplete application or have not applied High Schools

FAFSA Website- User Circles & Access Public Access Approved Users Public Access Summary Resources Approved Users Details Local Access Managers (LAM) Manage Users Load Users Load User Permissions ACHE Staff Manage Data Load Schools, ISIR, Students Manage Resources Manage Statistics Local Access Managers ACHE Staff

Public Access/View http://fafsa.ache.edu

Birmingham City Schools This is what the public will see.

Local View District View School First Name Last Name State ID DOB Completed FAFSA FAFSA Detail Date App Submitted Selected for Verification District X School 1 Student A No Parent Signature Missing parent signature on FAFSA or SAR (Reject Code 15) ##/##/## Y Student B Complete Complete FAFSA Application N School 2 Student C Not Complete Incomplete FAFSA Application Student D “Approved Users,” such as guidance counselors and volunteers, will see student data just for their school. “Local Access Managers,” the district folks (such as the superintendent,) will see student data for all the schools in their district. Local View District View

Managing Users

Add User

Add User Only district reps are permitted to add Authorized users. Only schools in your district will be listed. From the “Role” pull down menu, there’s just the one option, “Authorized User”

Important Notes About the Portal Updated every two weeks. Only reflects data for students who have submitted an application. All personally-identifying information from USDE removed and resulting database accessible by authorized users is stored on separate secure server. Finds the first error reported for any FAFSA application and reports that. Other errors may exist.

Estimated New Money for College As of March 2, 2018 Over Same Date Last Year 1,504 ×0.60 ×$3,737 = $ 3,372,268.80

ACHE Summary of 2014-2015 Alabama Public High School Graduates Enrolled in College per National Student Clearinghouse District Cohort # NotEnrolled % NotEnrolled Entire State 48,416 17,415 36%

Next Steps by ACHE Continued promotion of the web application and services. More regional demonstrations in collaboration with the Alabama Community College System. Local training with secondary school systems as requested. Refinement of processes and procedures.


Helpful Resources Alabama Possible – AlabamaPossible.org National College Access Network – CollegeAccess.org FSA Financial Aid Toolkit - FinancialAidToolkit.ed.gov

Mr. Ron Leonard Ron.Leonard@ache.Alabama.gov 334-242-2211 ACHE Point of Contact Mr. Ron Leonard Ron.Leonard@ache.Alabama.gov 334-242-2211

ACCS Point of Contact Dr. Vicky Ohlson Vicky.Ohlson@accs.edu 334-293-4568

Alabama Possible Point of Contact Ms. Kristina Scott Executive Director kscott@alabamapossible.org 205-939-1408