ART 2018 By Suki Bhogal
Displays in school
Display at the city MK library Raising the profile of Art in the community!
Gathering our thoughts and ideas in the secret garden Place Making Project Gathering our thoughts and ideas in the secret garden
Place Making Project Making our special places in shoeboxes
Painting stones collaboratively and individually Place Making Project Painting stones collaboratively and individually
Place Making Project Body Painting
Learning Fair and MK Gallery Exhibition at the Project Space Place Making Project Learning Fair and MK Gallery Exhibition at the Project Space
Digiprint Christmas card art projects to take place Project to raise funds for art projects to take place in school!
Children’s Feedback! Art is … Fun! Exciting! I loved painting the big stones! The artists let us do what we want! Happiness! I learned that you can paint almost everything with the right resources ! Its was nice to take our art learning outside! We learned that art is lots of different things not just painting. Its really special to get your work displayed in a real Gallery and get an Arts Award for it! We didn’t have people telling us what to do. We could do our own thing! Being in a video and being able to express ourselves was great! Fun! It is fun learning topics through Art and Design. I made a great big volcano in Science. It was nice to see our artwork in MK city Library!
Progress in Sketch books
Next Steps - To continue to plan and provide relevant art opportunities and memorable experiences for children through having professional artists in, gallery visits and workshops. To continue to develop the use of sketch books to show progress. To continue to use Challenge and Choice to meet the needs of all the children. To give children opportunities to lead their learning.