Core BEIS Procurement Control and Delivery PRE- PROCUREMENT SUPPORT PROCUREMENT CONTROL PROCUREMENT DELIVERY All procurements below £1m in value excluding a) single tender actions and b) non-common goods and services. UK SBS support and delivery Responsibility Procurements below £10k in value UK SBS or CPT member will lead engagement with directorates with significant commercial activity Procurement required CPT/UKSBS log procurement on Procurement Portal Customer sends procurement template to CPT/Finance Authority to proceed All procurements greater than £1m in value, and a) all procurements for non-common goods and services and b) all single tender actions Central Procurement Team support and delivery responsibility Finance approve template Central Team approve template The Central Procurement Team (CPT) broadly focuses on major projects and higher value/risk procurements. UK Shared Business Services (UK SBS) broadly focuses on a higher volume of common goods and services procurements of lower value/risk. General principles are stated above. In some circumstances pragmatic decisions will determine whether UK SBS or the Central Team are best able to support procurement delivery. Certain types of expenditure will also require functional approval e.g. research and development or legal spend. Cabinet Office Spending Controls may also apply e.g. digital and technology or consultancy Main slide Template 1 – Used for procurements valued £10k to £1m Template 2 – Used for procurements valued over £1m New Procurement Controls and Operating Model New Core BEIS Procurement Controls and Operating Model