Career Portfolio Updates August 24, 2017 Career Portfolio Updates
Homeroom Teachers/Advisors August 2017 Each homeroom teacher will receive a student folder provided by Michelle in the Career Counseling Office. The folder contains assignment tracking documents that monitor student progress. Students will inform their homeroom teachers when portfolio components are complete. Homeroom teachers will check to see that documents are correctly uploaded (complete) and sign the documentation page in the student’s folder. They will then enter it into their gradebook.
Overview of 9th Grade Requirements November 27, 2018 Overview of 9th Grade Requirements Resume- The students will begin building a resume in English class College Visit- Students will spend a day at a local college and complete a constructed response essay DDL- Digital Driver’s License- All freshmen students including BCTC students will be expected to obtain a Digital Driver’s License (DDL) as a part of their Career Portfolio requirements. A Digital Driver’s License is a program that educates students on nine themes proper use of technology. In order to obtain this DDL, students will have to complete a series of online courses as well as complete a culminating constructed response essay. Career Investigation (Matchmaker)- Students will complete a Career Matchmaker Activity with their English teacher Career Research Project- Students will complete a career research project (done in health classes in conjunction with goal-setting and self-discovery portions of curriculum) to be uploaded to portfolio
Overview of Career Portfolio 10th Grade Requirements August 2017 Resume- The students begin their resume in 9th grade and continue to update it throughout the year Career Matchmaker- Interest inventory done in the Career Counseling Office with Mrs. Bright. Results provide students with a list of careers that fit their interests Career Chart- Goal setting research-based project carried out in health class with guidance of health teachers BBEC Visit and Reflective Essay- Students visit a local business through the Berks Business Education Coalition (BBEC). The essay is an opportunity for students to reflect on their visit and the factors employers consider when hiring DDL- Digital Driver’s License- All sophomore students including BCTC students will be expected to obtain a Digital Driver’s License (DDL) as a part of their Career Portfolio requirements. A Digital Driver’s License is a program that educates students on nine themes proper use of technology. In order to obtain this DDL, students will have to complete a series of online courses as well as complete a culminating constructed response essay.
Overview of Career Portfolio 11th Grade Requirements August 2017 Overview of Career Portfolio 11th Grade Requirements Financial Literacy- In the beginning of the year during FLEX and QSR, Juniors will complete online lessons in different aspects of financial literacy- Savings, Banking, Consumer Protection, Higher Education, Insurance and Taxes Job Shadow- This is 100% student directed. If students need help finding a location they may seek help from the Counseling Office. Students must upload the
12th Grade Requirement Financial Literacy Lessons August 2017 12th Grade Requirement Financial Literacy Lessons Students present their Portfolio on October 18th in the afternoon (1/2 day) Panel of judges independently score presentation and scores are averaged together Entire district participating
What’s staying the same? August 2017 What’s staying the same? The Career Portfolio requirement will be recorded on student report cards. The completion of Career Portfolio requirements will be tied to privileges. Homeroom teachers will be responsible for helping students with their Career Portfolios Students must complete and present their Career Portfolio in order to graduate
August 2017 What’s new? Incompletes can be given to NEW students. Michelle Bright will keep track of the progress of these students. Check with her before assigning a new student a grade. Checklists Financial Literacy components for 11th and 12th grade DDL only 9th and 10th College Visit- 9th grade Spring Reflective Essay
Updated Resume Requirement August 2017 Updated Resume Requirement Students will be required to update their resumes each year. Freshmen will begin resumes in their English classes Sophomores should have a resume from 9th grade They will have to update it again at the end of the year (May 15, 2018) Juniors will also need an updated resume by (May 15, 2018) Seniors must have an updated resume included in their presentations (October 18, 2017)
BBEC Visit and Essay BBEC Visit is September 28, 2017 August 2017 BBEC Visit and Essay BBEC Visit is September 28, 2017 Students will be grouped by homeroom Essays will be started during the debriefing sessions on September 28th Completed essays due to homeroom teacher on Monday, October 2 Essays will be graded at the faculty meeting on October 2 Reminders BCTC students are not required to go
Entering Portfolio Grades August 2017 Entering Portfolio Grades Screencast to Enter Portfolio Grades Shared drive PersonnelOnlyeSchoolGradebook3.1 Reminder- dates on video will not match- use dates from reference guide also on the Shared Drive
August 2017 Privileges Privileges will be taken away until required components are complete but not until the following quarter.
Due Dates August 2017 Freshmen Matchmaker- October 30, 2017 Resume- done in English class DDL- End of Skills for Success Cycle College Visit Reflective Essay (TBD) Sophomores Resume 9 – November 1, 2017 BBEC Essay – Oct. 2, 2017 Match Maker – May 15, 2018 Career Chart- this is done in HPE so students will have it done at different times but everything should be complete by May 15, 2018. DDL – End of Skills for Success Cycle Juniors BBEC Essay - Aug. 28, 2017 Match Maker- Aug. 28, 2017 Career Chart - Aug. 28, 2017 Financial Literacy- October 6, 2017 Resume- May 15, 2018 Job Shadowing – April 30, 2018 Seniors DDL- Aug. 28, 2017 Job Shadowing - Aug. 28, 2017 Resume 12 - Oct. 18, 2017 Presentation- October 18, 2017