Passive smoking, commonly known as secondhand smoking, is the inhalation of tobacco smoke by individuals other than the intended smoker. It is widely considered to be the cause of many diseases similar to those caused by direct smoking. PASSIVE SMOKING
Among passive smokings most serious effects are cancer of the lungs and throat, increased risk of heart disease, and chronic infections of the nose and throat. Childhood exposure has been linked with heart damage and risk of asthma. Potential mental damages include developmental delay and learning difficulties, combined with combative behavior. HEALTH EFFECTS
The purpose of this research project is to determine the correlation and potential causation between exposure to passive smoking and any observed health effects in young adults. PURPOSE OF RESEARCH
Null Hypothesis: There will be no correlation between exposure to passive smoking and any health effects observed. Alternative Hypothesis: There will be observable correlation between smoking exposure and health effects. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS
1.Random subjects of a defined age group will be chosen to take part in the study. 2.Subjects will take a survey that determines the level of exposure to secondhand smoke and records any health problems or physical and mental issues. 3.The data will be sorted and analyzed using both parametric and nonparametric statistics. RESEARCH METHOD
The preliminary data is being sorted into a few main categories, such as male vs. female and secondhand smoke vs. no secondhand smoke. Excel is being used to calculate and show percentages and use basic and more complicated tools of statistical analysis. The results of the data collection shall be used to judge the veracity of the hypothesis, and determine effective steps to remedy problems caused by passive smoking. DATA ANALYZATION
There was an even divide in the gender of the no- passive-smoke (NPS) subjects. 92.6% of the NPS subjects believe themselves to healthy. 85.7% of the NPS subjects said they suffered no irritation of smoke sensitive organs. FINDINGS
Half of NPS subjects suffer Dyspnea, or shortness of breath, only infrequently. 42.8% of subjects feel Dyspnea occasionally. 92.8% have never been hospitalized for respiratory illnesses or emergencies. FINDINGS
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