Louisiana Department of Education
Presenters Dr. Jennifer Tuttleton Executive Director Talent Pipeline Nicole Bono, Director of Educator Preparation Louisiana TIF 5 Partners Allen JS Clark Leadership Academy Assumption Lincoln Avoyelles Morehouse Caldwell Red River Catahoula Richland Concordia St. Helena East Carroll St. Landry Franklin Tallulah Charter School Grant Tensas Jackson West Carroll 11/27/2018
How are you expanding equitable access to effective educators? Believe and Prepare is our primary approach to ensuring equitable access to effective teachers by . . . providing all candidates with a strong preparation experience through a yearlong residency with a competency-based design strengthening partnerships between districts and preparation providers to ensure that workforce needs are met incentivizing placement of teacher residents in high-need schools and content areas
How are you expanding equitable access to effective educators? 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Preparation Community Engagement and Support Survey of over 6,000 educators regarding preparation and workforce needs Partners in preparation report released Statewide focus groups with new and experienced teacher, principals, district leaders, and preparation program faculty Believe and Prepare cohort 1 launched Believe and Prepare cohort 2 launched Believe and Prepare cohort 3 launched BESE-approved funding for all providers Supplemental grants for providers serving rural communities and providers developing post-baccalaureate residency models Policy Development Policy forum for preparation and district leaders, legislators, and policymakers with local and national experts, including Texas Tech University and Arizona State University Individual meetings with leadership of universities Policy discussions with provider leadership Regional policy meetings with school district and preparation leaders and faculty Public surveys on teacher reparation competencies BESE- and BoR-charged fiscal impact study BESE approves policy and fiscal plan relative to year-long residency and competency program design, to take effect in July 2018 BESE approves policy relative to teacher preparation accountability
How are you expanding equitable access to effective educators? TIF provides support to districts that had not participated in Believe and Prepare, were in a development phase, and/or are struggling to recruit teachers. In total, 20 districts, 182 schools, 74,527 students, 4,645 teachers, and 606 administrators are impacted by TIF 5 activities.
How is the Teacher Incentive Fund a broader part of Louisiana’s Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) plan ? The State’s ESSA framework proposes a state plan focused on five challenges Louisiana students experience in significant numbers: Fundamental Expectations for Graduates Deep Struggles for Historically Disadvantaged Students Fair Access to Experiences Essential for Success in School and Beyond A Strong Educator Profession Persistently Struggling Schools TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF
What strategies are you using to develop a more robust talent development pipeline from pre‐service educators through principals that is based on an improved evaluation and support system? Transitioning to year-long residency for pre-service teachers. Foster partnerships between preparation providers and LEAs to strengthen pre-service teacher training. Increase LEAs’ access to and likelihood of retaining excellent teachers. Building a cadre’ of highly skilled teachers to serve in teacher leader roles. Support and improve success of new and current teachers Offer members of the cadre greater professional opportunity and prestige, increasing job satisfaction and the likelihood they will continue teaching Expanding principal fellowship with a focus on effective use of evaluation system. Strengthen the instructional leadership capacity of LEA and school-level leaders. Expand LEAs’ access to and retention of excellent leaders who establish strong evaluation and support systems in their schools. Differentiated compensation based on demand and performance. Improved Evaluation and Support System
How are you aligning your pre‐service teacher preparation and principal professional development with your evaluation and support system? Differentiated compensation based on demand and performance. Improved Evaluation and Support System Pre-service Teacher Preparation Adapt pre-service curriculum to: Include a year-long, competency-based residency for all teacher candidates; and Ensure alignment with and focus on new assessments and goal setting Adopt evaluation practices that reflect Louisiana’s educator evaluation system, Compass. Principal Professional Development Provide National Institute of School Leadership (NISL) facilitators/trainers with understanding of revamped approach to goal-setting and assessments in order to adapt Principal Fellowship (PF) curricular content to align with revised instructional/coaching approach. Provide tailored instructional leadership development, aligned to Compass throughout program, in order to support informed decisions about recruitment, training, and support. Train facilitators to lead principal fellowship in-house. Provide support to districts with Principal Fellowship participants to develop support plans for participants post-fellowship to monitor and ensure implementation.
Describe how you are collaborating with partner LEAs and external partners to . . . State TIF leads and TIF LEA leads participate in quarterly in-person collaborations. Network leaders hold weekly support meetings with TIF LEA leads. Network leaders and external partners work collaboratively in the field to support TIF LEAs. Additionally, network leaders and external partners join together to collaborate about ongoing TIF priorities and progress. State TIF project leads host quarterly convening's with district-level personnel. External partners are invited to these meetings to support the TIF priorities. State TIF Leads Quarterly TIF Community Meetings Network Leaders Network 1 Network 2 Superintendents’ Collaborative Teacher Leader Collaborative Network 3 External Partners External Partners TIF Supportive Conditions
Describe how you are collaborating with partner LEAs and external partners to . . . Build An Aligned Assessment And Goal‐setting System Support LEAs in conducting an audit of their current assessment system for quality, adopt and implement new formative assessment system as needed, and align assessments to goal-setting process for teachers and principals. Improve And Extend LEA/Teacher Preparation Program Partnerships Support teacher preparation providers through the transformation from current preparation experiences to competency-based preparation pathways that include yearlong residencies to prepare teachers for high-need certification areas and underserved students and schools. Improve And Extend LEA/Teacher Preparation Program Partnerships Support LEAs’ by providing a system of high-quality, content- and curriculum-based professional development and coaching for Louisiana educators through a highly effective mentor teacher and content leader cadre of teachers. Strengthen And Expand Principal Fellowship Support LEA and school leaders through research-based leadership development programs designed to give leaders the critical knowledge and skills to be instructional leaders and improve student achievement through goal-setting and assessments. Design Differentiated Compensation Plans Based On Demand For Working In Rural Areas And On Performance Revise teacher compensation systems by using workforce reports and improved local assessment/goal data. Work with LEAS to identify short- and long- term teacher staffing needs in specific schools and for specific certification areas to inform compensation revisions.