Provost’s Merit Pay Initiative October 6th 2017
Overview The provost has initiated a plan by which departments will engage in a process that quantifies performance. Basic idea: Workload divided into Teaching, Research, Service/Administration Rubrics developed for assigning performance in each category Total score results Pay increases tied to scores
Overview The slides that follow are from a presentation to the Organization of Academic department chairs by Dave Barrett, Associate Dean in the College of Education. While we do not need to conform to the details of the College of Ed Approach, we do need to establish our own guidelines and procedures.
Provost’s Merit Pay Initiative Guidelines and Recommendations September 27, 2017
The Charge Each department at Clemson University must develop a plan which stipulates the decision rules to be followed by department chairs when they make recommendations to the Dean regarding merit compensation for faculty This process must be in place by May 2018, so that it can be piloted on real faculty performance data Our goal is better alignment of merit compensation with faculty performance
Timeline for 2017-1018 Academic Year By October 1, 2017 Chairs have confirmed faculty workload distributions By March 2018 Each department has developed its plans/procedures for rating faculty performance and faculty have approved plans By April 2018 Deans have reviewed and approved rating plans By June 2018 Pilot ratings have been conducted and results evaluated
Timeline for 2017-1018 Academic Year Most faculty budgeted: 37.5% classroom teaching 12.5% grad supervision/directed studies/thesis committees 45% research 5% service / committees Timeline for 2017-1018 Academic Year By October 1, 2017 Chairs have confirmed faculty workload distributions By March 2018 Each department has developed its plans/procedures for rating faculty performance and faculty have approved plans By April 2018 Deans have reviewed and approved rating plans By June 2018 Pilot ratings have been conducted and results evaluated
Required of all Departmental Plans Each department develops its own scoring/evaluation system Chairs apply these procedures in making recommendations to the Dean of the College The Dean holds up to 25% of available funds to be used at his or her discretion All ratings on 7 point scale Ratings for each category of performance that department uses in workload distributions Category ratings must be individually weighted by % Effort Weighted category ratings sum to Total Score 8. Expected that Total Scores will average about 4.0
Example: Rating Research Excellent Rating 6-7 Very Good Rating 4-5 Good Rating 2-3 Securing External Funding PI (or equal credit as Co-PI) on grants totaling >$500K PI (or equal credit as Co-PI) on grants totaling >$100K PI (or equal credit as Co-PI) on externally funded grant Publications Multiple publications in high impact journals; 1st author on book (major academic publisher) Multiple publications in moderate impact journals; co- author or editor of book Publication in refereed journal; invited book chapter Other Invited plenary address; editor of major journal Recipient of research fellowship, associate editor of journal Peer-reviewed papers; external consultant on research grant
Example: Rating Teaching Excellent Rating 6-7 Very Good Rating 4-5 Good Rating 2-3 Classroom Teaching National teaching award; exceptional student evaluations; Clemson Alumni Professor Notably high student evaluations; shows impact on student learning; develops curricular materials Consistently positive student evaluations; develops a new course Mentoring Publications with students as co-author in high impact journals Publication with students in moderate impact journal; mentors new faculty member Publication with student; advises student group; leads a creative inquiry group Other Recognized, long- term professional development (PD) Moderate PD activity; chairs multiple PhD committees Some PD activity; serves on PhD committees
Example: Rating Service Excellent Rating 6-7 Very Good Rating 4-5 Good Rating 2-3 Service to Field National award for service; major University award for service; president of national professional association; national education panel Officer of national professional organization; state or regional award for service; program chair for conference College or department award for service; proposal reviewer for conference Service to University President of Faculty Senate; faculty representative to Board of Trustees Selected for University commission; program coordinator for department; author of accreditation report Chairs department or college committee; chairs search committee; significant accreditation activity Other Professional service demonstrates national impact Professional service demonstrates state or regional impact Professional service demonstrates local impact
Example: Arriving at Total Scores* Rating R Weight Score T Weight S TOTAL SCORE Faculty A 3 .50 1.50 4 .35 1.40 6 .15 .90 3.80 Professor Faculty B .60 3.60 5 .30 .10 .40 5.50 Assistant Faculty C NA .00 1.00 4.00 Lecturer * For this example, assume 3 Categories: Research (R), Teaching (T) and Service (S)
From Ratings to Pay Recommendations There are many options. Some examples: Available merit pools divided into tenure track and non-tenure track. Total Score determines % of available pool. Same as 1. above but Total Score adjusted for current salary (to limit % salary increase) before apportioning available funds Single salary pool, then same as 2. above
Questions for your Department Other issues for us: How to standardize FAS categories/entries When do pubs “count”? Where does grad supervision go? Which duties are admin & which are service? Do we want to make a distinction? How to divide $$ across divisions Each division to create criteria Then reconcile across divisions? What are the performance categories that are applicable to your department? Note that FAS lists 10 specific categories of performance; we recommend using the fewest possible categories. Are you going to use the same rating system for non-tenure track faculty that you use for tenured and tenure track faculty? In this pilot year, will your decision-rules link Total Score ratings to recommendations for % salary increases or to flat amount salary increases? Will you base ratings on a 3 year “window” of performance? Are you going to set minimum weights (percentages) for Research for tenured and tenure track faculty? What will be the role of faculty or faculty committees once criteria are established? For example, will they recommend ratings to the chair? Review the chair’s ratings prior to submission to the Dean?
Timeline for 2017-1018 Academic Year By October 1, 2017 Chairs have confirmed faculty workload distributions By March 2018 Each department has developed its plans/procedures for rating faculty performance and faculty have approved plans By April 2018 Deans have reviewed and approved rating plans By June 2018 Pilot ratings have been conducted and results evaluated
For Further Information and Questions Dave Barrett,, will oversee project and will work with College of Education, CBSHS, and College of Business Bob Cohen,, will work with College of Science and CAFLS Brian Powell,, will work with CECAS and College of AAH